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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 27.09.2021

Resignation and appointment of auxiliary bishops of the metropolitan archdiocese of Naples, Italy

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary bishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Naples, Italy, presented by Bishop Lucio Lemmo and by Bishop Gennaro Acampa.

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishops of the metropolitan archdiocese of Naples, Italy, the Reverend Fr. Francesco Beneduce, S.J., hitherto rector of the Pontifical Interregional Campano Seminary of Posillipo, assigning him the titular see of Gaudiaba; the Reverend Michele Autuoro, until now rector of the Cardinal Alessio Ascalesi archiepiscopal seminary of Naples, assigning him the titular see of Passo Corese; and Msgr. Gaetano Castello, until now lecturer in sacred scripture at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, assigning him the titular see of Nove

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Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Francesco Beneduce, S.J.

Msgr. Francesco Beneduce, S.J., was born on 16 July 1956 in Grumo Nevano, province of Naples and diocese of Aversa. After completing his high school studies at the Technical Institute of Caivano, he entered the Pontifical Interregional Campano Seminary of Posillipo, and was awarded a baccalaureate from the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy in 1980. In the same year he entered the Society of Jesus. After two years of the novitiate in Frascati, in 1982 he was sent for a year of magistral studies at the Social Institute of Turin.

He was ordained a priest on 22 June 1985.

He was awarded a licentiate in moral theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, and attended courses for the licentiate in catechetical and pastoral theology of Lumen Vitae at Leuven University in Brussels.

From 1987 to 1997 he worked at the National Secretariat of the Youth Eucharistic Movement of Rome, and was awarded a degree in philosophy from the University of Rome- Tor Vergata.

At the end of his third probation year in India, in Madras, he gave his religious vows on 3 December 1994.

From 1997 to 2001 he was rector of the Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome; from 2001 to 2005, vice provincial for Southern Italy and from 2004 to 2010, delegate of the provincial for educational institutes of the Society of Jesus. From 2006 to 2009 he was also rector of the Istituto Pontano in Naples; from 2009 to 2014, rector of the Ignatian Educational Centre in Palermo, national secretary and then vice president of the FIDAE (Federazione degli Istituti di AttivitĂ  Educative, Federation of Institutes of Educational Activity), a member of the National Council of Catholic Schools, and from 2006 to 2012, member of the National Council for Public Instruction-MIUR).

From 2014 to date he has served as rector of the Pontifical Interregional Campano Seminary in Posillipo, Naples.


Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Michele Autuoro

Msgr. Michele Autuoro was born on 27 December 1966 in Procida, in the province and archdiocese of Naples. He studied at the Cardinal Alessio Ascalesi archiepiscopal seminary of Naples and was ordained a priest for the archdiocese of Naples on 19 May 1991.

He has held the following pastoral positions: diocesan assistant ACR (1991-1994); animator in the seminary in Capodimonte (1993-2000); parish priest of Santa Maria delle Grazie and San Leonardo in Procida (2000-2009); director of the diocesan missionary office (2007); parish priest of Santa Maria della Mercede in Chiaia (2009-2012); director of the CEI Missionary Office and of the Missio Foundation (2013-2018); parish administrator of San Marco di Palazzo and Immacolata in Pizzofalcone (2018).

From 2019 to the present, he has served as rector of the Cardinal Alessio Ascalesi archiepiscopal seminary of Naples.


Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Gaetano Castello

Gaetano Castello was born on 8 May 1957 in Naples, in the province and archdiocese of the same name. He was a member of the lay group Seguimi, where he underwent vocational discernment and preparation for the priesthood.

He was ordained a priest on 16 October 1982 for the diocese of Teramo-Atri. On 25 January 1993 he was incardinated in the metropolitan archdiocese of Naples.

He holds a licentiate in sacred scripture and a doctorate in dogmatic theology. He has an intense academic activity to his credit. From 1985 until now he has been professor of sacred scripture at the Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, where he was also dean, vice dean and rector. From 2007 to 2012 he was episcopal vicar for evangelisation and catechesis.

He was also episcopal delegate for ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, rector of the Church of Our Lady of Carmine in San Giovanni a Teduccio, member of the presbyteral council, spiritual father of the Cardinal Alessio Ascalesi archiepiscopal seminary of Naples, head of the priests of the Seguimi group and head of biblical pastoral care. He has also held the post of director of the two-year program in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy.
