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Resignations and Appointments, 11.08.2021

Resignation and appointment of bishop of Ilhéus, Brazil

Appointment of ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences


Resignation and appointment of bishop of Ilhéus, Brazil

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Ilhéus, Brazil, presented by Bishop Mauro Montagnoli, C.S.S.

The Pope has appointed Bishop Giovanni Crippa, I.M.C., as bishop of the diocese of Ilhéus, Brazil, transferring him from the diocese of Estância.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Giovanni Crippa was born on 6 October 1958 in Besana Brianza, in the metropolitan archdiocese of Milan. He carried out his studies in philosophy at the Federazione Interreligiosa per gli Studi Teologici (FIST) in Turin (1987-1993) and in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, where he was awarded a licentiate and a doctorate in ecclesiastical history.

On 13 September 1981 he gave his religious vows in the Institute of the Consolata Missionaries, and on 14 September 1985 he received priestly ordination. He served as missionary and vocational animator in Turin (1987-1993), professor in the Faculty of Missiology of the Pontifical Urban University in Rome and of the Istituto Superiore di Catechesi e Spiritualità Missionaria in Rome and in Castel Gandolfo (1993-2000).

He was sent to Brazil in 2000, where he carried out his ministry in the metropolitan archdiocese of Feira da Santana, State of Bahia, as parish vicar and parish priest of the Santíssima Trindade, lecturer in ecclesiastical history of the archdiocesan faculty, spiritual director of the seminary of philosophy, and member of the Presbyteral Council and of the College of Consultors. In addition, he was a member of the coordination group of the Historical Department of the Institute of Consolata Missions and provincial counsellor in Brazil.

On 21 March 2012 he was appointed as titular bishop of Accia and auxiliary of São Salvador da Bahia, receiving episcopal ordination the following 13 May. On 19 July 2014 he was appointed as bishop of Estância.

Within the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil he is member of the Episcopal Pastoral Commission for Missionary Action.


Appointment of ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed the distinguished Professor Jennifer Anne Doudna, lecturer at the University of California in Berkeley, United States of America, as ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Curriculum vitae

Professor Jennifer Anne Doudna was born on 19 February in Washington, United States of America. She studied chemistry at Pomona College in Claremont, specialising in biochemistry at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge; she then continued her studies at the University of Colorado in Boulder. She is currently professor of molecular chemistry at the University of California in Berkeley.

In 2020, along with Professor Emmanuelle M. Charpentier, she was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry for the development of the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing method.


