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Resignations and Appointments, 14.11.2020

Resignation and appointment of bishop of Tainan, Taiwan

Appointment of bishop of Eséka, Cameroon

Appointment of auxiliaries of the metropolitan archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Resignation and appointment of bishop of Tainan, Taiwan

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Tainan, Taiwan, presented by Bishop Bosco Lin Chi-nan.

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the same diocese the Reverend John Lee Juo-Wang, of the clergy of Tainan, until now vicar general.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop John Lee Juo-Wang was born on 2 November 1966 in Taiwan. After attending the Salesian High School, he carried out his studies in philosophy and theology at the Saint Pius X Seminary in Tainan (1984-1992).

He was ordained a priest on 1 January 1993.

After priestly ordination he has held the positions of assistant priest at the Cathedral (1993-1996) and parish priest of the Holy Name of Jesus (1996-1999). Later he obtained a licentiate in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Urban University, Rome. Since 2002 he has also served as parish priest of the Causa Nostrae Laetitiae Shrine; since 2014 parish priest of Saint Joseph’s Church and president of the Commission for the Promotion of Vocations; since 2017 diocesan chancellor; and from 2019 until the present, vicar general of the diocese of Tainan.

He is also a member of the presbyteral council and the college of consultors.


Appointment of bishop of Eséka, Cameroon

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Eséka, Cameroon, the Reverend François Achille Eyabi, of the clergy of Edéa, until now episcopal vicar and parish priest of the Cathedral.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. François Achille Eyabi was born on 30 September 1961 in Ngambe, Edéa. He carried out his primary studies in his place of birth, and his secondary studies in the minor seminary of Bonépoupa and in the classical lyceum of Edéa. He entered the Saint Paul major seminary in Nylon in Douala.

He was ordained a priest on 3 July 1988 for the metropolitan archdiocese of Douala, but with the division of the latter, in 1993, he transferred to the new diocese of Edéa.

He subsequently held the following offices: parish vicar of Saint André in Pouma (1988-1992); parish priest of Saint André in Pouma, and episcopal vicar (1992-1996). He was then sent to Rome, to the Pontifical Urban College De Propaganda Fide, for his theological formation. He was awarded a doctorate in sacred theology with a dogmatic focus at the Pontifical Urban University (1996-2000). He has also served as: vicar general and rector of the Preparatory Seminary (2001-2004); rector of the Paul VI Provincial Major Seminary of Theology of Douala (2005-2011); vicar of the Cathedral, and military chaplain in Edéa (2011-2015); since 2015 he has served as episcopal vicar, parish priest of the Cathedral, and secretary for Catholic education.


Appointment of auxiliaries of the metropolitan archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliaries of the metropolitan archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the Reverend Teodoro Gómez Rivera, of the clergy of the diocese of Choluteca, Honduras, until now vicar general and episcopal vicar for pastoral ministry, assigning him the titular see of Castellum Tatroportus, and Fr. Walter Guillén Soto, S.D.B., until now rector of the Santuario Nacional de la Juventud San Juan Bosco of Tegucigalpa, assigning him the titular see of Nasbinca.

Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Teodoro Gómez Rivera

Msgr. Teodoro Gómez Rivera was born on 7 May 1963 in El Banquito, diocese of Choluteca, Honduras. He completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Nuestra Señora de Suyapa major seminary in Tegucigalpa. He obtained a licentiate in sacred theology with a dogmatic focus at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

He received priestly ordination on 27 January 1996, and was incardinated in the diocese of Choluteca.

He has held the following positions: parish vicar in the San José parish in Nacaome; diocesan coordinator for vocational pastoral ministry; spiritual director of the Pablo VI minor seminary; formator in the major seminary of Tegucigalpa; parish priest of San Pablo and director of the Monseñor Raúl Institute in Choluteca; and diocesan delegate for Caritas. Until now he has served as, since 2013, vicar general; since 2015 episcopal vicar for pastoral ministry; and since, 2017 rector of the Santa María Goretti Institute in Choluteca.


Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Walter Guillén Soto, S.D.B.

Msgr. Walter Guillén Soto, S.D.B. was born on 6 December 1961 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. He obtained a licentiate in theology from the Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala; a licentiate in pedagogy and educational sciences from the Universidad Don Bosco in San Salvador; and a doctorate in education and pedagogical sciences from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

He made his religious profession as Salesian of Don Bosco on 6 June 1986 and received priestly ordination on 5 November 1988.

He has held the following positions: academic director of the San Miguel Institute in Tegucigalpa; director of the archdiocesan theological institute in Tegucigalpa; director of the Ricaldone Institute in San Salvador; director of the Don Bosco College in San José, Costa Rica; director of the Instituto Técnico Don Bosco de Panamá; director of the Instituto Tecnológico Don Bosco AC de Saltillo, Mexico; and special secretary to the archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Until now he has been: since 2017, rector of the San Juan Bosco Shrine in Tegucigalpa; and since 2018, general chaplain of the Catholic University of Honduras. He has also served as president of the Catholic Federation of Panama and president of the Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC).
