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Resignations and Appointments, 21.01.2020

Resignation of archbishop of Monaco, Principality of Monaco, and appointment of new archbishop

Appointment of ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences


Resignation of archbishop of Monaco, Principality of Monaco, and appointment of new archbishop

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Monaco, Principality of Monaco, presented by Archbishop Bernard Barsi.

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Dominique-Marie David, currently part of the team of formators at the Saint-Jean Interdiocesan Seminary of Nantes, as archbishop of Monaco.

Reverend Dominique-Marie David

The Reverend Dominique-Marie David was born on 21 September 1963 in Beaupréau, in the diocese of Angers, France. After high school he attended the Université Catholique de l’Ouest in Angers, where he was awarded a licentiate in English philology, and worked as an English teacher. Admitted to the Communauté de l’Emmanuel, he was sent as a seminarian to the Saint-Paul Interdiocesan Seminary in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and obtained a bachelor’s degree in theology from the Université Catholique de Louvain.

He was ordained a priest on 29 June 1991 for the diocese of Nantes.

He has held the following ministries and offices: vicar of the parish of Sautron in the diocese of Nantes (1991-1995); head of the liturgical service of the Communauté de l’Emmanuel (1995-2001); head of the Maison Saint-Martin in Paris, for the formation of seminarians of the Communauté de l’Emmanuel (1997-2002); parish priest of the Sainte-Madeleine parish in Nantes (2002-2009); head of ordained ministers and seminarians of the Communauté de l’Emmanuel (2009-2016); rector of the Church of Trinità dei Monti in Rome (2016-2019), and since 2019, member of the team of formators of the Saint-Jean Interdiocesan Seminary of Nantes.


Appointment of ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed as ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences the Illustrious Professor Dani Rodrik, Turkey, professor of international economics of the Ford Foundation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, United States of America.

Professor Dani Rodrik

Professor Dani Rodrik was born in Istanbul on 14 August 1957. After graduating from Robert College in Istanbul, he received a PhD in economics from Princeton University. He is professor of international economics at the Ford Foundation’s John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, United States of America; previously he was Albert O. Hirschman Professor at the School of Social Science of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (2013-2015). He is co-director of the Economics for Inclusive Prosperity (EfIP) network and president-elect of the International Economic Association. He has made a significant contribution to sustainable economic growth, globalization and political economy; he is best known for his work on industrialization, growth policies and the political economy of globalization; and his literary output in these areas is remarkable. Among his numerous honours, he has received the Albert O. Hirschman Award, the Social Science Research Council Award(New York, 2007), and Leontief Prize for advancing the frontiers of economic thought, global development and the environment (2002).
