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#SinodoAmazonico – Notice of Press Conference, 18.10.2019

Today, Friday 18 October 2019, at 13.30, at the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, a press conference will take place for the presentation of the Reports of the Circuli minori of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, on the theme: “Amazonia: new paths for the Church and for integral ecology”, taking place in the Vatican from 6 to 27 October 2019:

The panel will be composed of:

- Bishop Mário Antônio da Silva of Roraima, Brazil;

- Archbishop Rino Fisichella, titular of Voghenza, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, Vatican City;

- Archbishop Héctor Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, O.F.M., of Trujillo, president of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, president of the Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (C.E.L.AM.);

- Rev.da Suora Daniela Adriana Cannavina, S.C.M.R., of the Capuchin Sisters of Mother Rubatto, secretary general of the CLAR, Colombia [U.I.S.G.].
