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#SinodoAmazonico - Briefing (12 October), 12.10.2019

Today, Saturday 12 October, at the briefing on the work of the Synod, taking place at 13.30 in the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, the following will be present:

- Bishop Dom Adriano Ciocca Vasino, bishop-prelate of São Félix, Brazil;

- Bishop Rafael Cob García, vicar apostolic of Puyo, Ecuador, titular of Cerbali;

- Deacon Francisco Andrade de Lima, executive secretary for the Region Nord 1 CNBB, Brazil;

- Sr Zully Rosa Rojas Quispe, M.D.R., of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, member of the intinerant group Bajo Madre de Dios, engaged in pastoral care of indigenous peoples of the apostolic vicariate of Puerto Maldonado, Peru [U.I.S.G.];

- Dr. Paolo Ruffini, prefect of the Dicastery for Communication;

- Fr. Giacomo Costa, S.J., secretary of the Commission for Information.

The briefing will be chaired by the vice-director of the Holy See Press Office, Cristiane Murray.
