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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 13.07.2019

Erection of the Ecclesiastical Province of Florencia, Colombia, and appointment of first metropolitan archbishop

Appointment of Members of the Congregation for the Clergy


Erection of the Ecclesiastical Province of Florencia, Colombia, and appointment of first metropolitan archbishop

The Holy Father Francis has erected the ecclesiastical province of Florencia, Colombia, elevating to a Metropolitan Church the diocese of Florencia and assigning as suffragans the dioceses of Mocoa-Sibundoy and San Vicente del Caguán.

The Pope appointed as metropolitan archbishop of Florencia, Colombia, H.E. Msgr. Omar de Jesús Mejía Giraldo, currently bishop of Florencia.

H. E. Msgr. Omar de Jesús Mejía Giraldo

H. E. Msgr. Omar de Jesús Mejía Giraldo was born in El Santuario, diocese of Sonsón-Rionegro, on 21 January 1966. He carried out his studies in philosophy and theology in the Cristo Sacerdote National Major Seminary in La Ceja. He obtained a licentiate in philosophy and religious sciences at the Universidad Católica de Oriente of Rionegro and a licentiate in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome.

He was ordained a priest on 16 November 1991, for the clergy of the diocese of Sonsón-Rionegro.

As a priest he has held the following offices: formator in the Nuestra Señora diocesan seminary, diocesan delegate for youth and vocational pastoral care, parish vicar in the parish of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in El Carmen de Viboral, director of the Department for Pastoral Care of the Universidad Católica de Oriente of Rionegro, parish vicar of the parish of Madre de la Sabiduría, and vice rector of the Cristo Sacerdote National Seminary in La Ceja.

On 27 April 2013 he was elected as bishop of Florencia and received episcopal consecration the following 29 June.


Appointment of Members of the Congregation for the Clergy

The Holy Father has appointed as Members of the Congregation for the Clergy the Eminent Cardinals: Sérgio da Rocha, archbishop of Brasília, Brazil; Anders Arborelius, O.C.D., bishop of Stockholm, Sweden; Giuseppe Petrocchi, archbishop of L‘Aquila, Italy; and Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, apostolic administrator sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of Caracas and archbishop of Mérida, Venezuela; Archbishop Filippo Iannone, O.Carm., president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts; Bishop Milton Luis Tróccoli Cebedio of Maldonado-Punta del Este, Uruguay; Archbishop Michel Aupetit of Paris, France; Bishop Robert Francis Prevost, O.S.A., of Chiclayo, Peru; Archbishop Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez of San Cristóbal de La Habana, Cuba.

