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Visit of the Holy Father Francis to the earthquake-affected areas of the diocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche (16 June 2019) - Programme, 06.04.2019


Departure by helicopter from the Vatican heliport.



Landing at the sports centre of the University of Camerino, in the Calvie area.

The Holy Father will be received by:

- H.E. Msgr. Francesco Massara, archbishop of Camerino-San Severino Marche;

- Dr. Luca Ceriscioli, president of the Marches Region;

- Dr. Iolanda Rolli, prefect of Macerata;

- Dr. Antonio Pettinari, president of the province of Macerata;

- Dr. Gianluca Pasqui, mayor of Camerino;

- Professor Claudio Pettinari, rector of the University of Camerino.



Visit to the Emergency Housing Structures (Strutture Abitative Emergenziali - SAE) with the families domiciled there, in the Cortine area.

To be followed by:

- visit to the Cathedral

- meeting with the mayors of the municipalities of the diocese.



In Piazza Cavour:

- Celebration of Holy Mass.






At the Saint Paul Community Centre:

- lunch with priests of the diocese.



Before departing from the sports centre of the University of Camerino, the Holy Father will take leave of those who received him upon arrival.



Arrival at the Vatican heliport.