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Sala Stampa

Holy See Press Office Communiqué: Mass “in coena Domini”, 03.04.2019

On Thursday 18 April 2019, at 16.30, the Holy Father Francis will visit the Velletri Correctional Facility, Rome, for the celebration of Mass “in coena Domini”.

The visit will include encounters with the detainees, civil personnel and Penitentiary Police officers, and the Eucharistic celebration with the rite of the washing of the feet of twelve detainees.

The Holy Father will travel by car to the Velletri penitentiary. He will leave the Domus Sanctae Marthae at 15.30, arriving approximately an hour later at the facility, where he will be received by the director, Maria Donata Iannantuono, the deputy director Pia Palmeri, the commander of the prison police, Maria Luisa Abbossida and the chaplain Don Franco Diamante.

After greeting the representatives of the civilian staff, the police and the inmates, the Holy Father will put on his liturgical vestments in the chapel and at 17.00, in the assembly hall, he will celebrate the Holy Mass, pronounce the homily and wash the feet of the twelve inmates.

At the end of the celebration he will be greeted by the director and the exchange of gifts will take place.

At 19.00 he will return to the Vatican.
