Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

From the Oriental Churches, 25.03.2019

Election of bishop of Guizeh, Egypt

The Synod of Bishops of the Patriarchal Church of Alexandria of the Copts has elected as bishop of Guizeh, Egypt, H.E. Msgr. Toma Adly Zaki, currently apostolic administrator sede vacante of the same circumscription and titular bishop of Cabasa.

The bishop-elect was born in Minya, Egypt in 1966 and was ordained a priest in 2001. He holds a licentiate in civil engineering, a certificate in Islamology from the PISAI in Rome, and a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Urban University, Rome. He has served as deputy parish priest of the Cathedral of Minya, professor of sacred scripture, and formator and rector of the Catholic Coptic seminary of El Cairo. He is currently apostolic administrator sede vacante of Guizeh of the Copts.
