Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Calendar of Celebrations presided at by the Holy Father Francis (March – April 2019), 26.02.2019





Wednesday 6
Ash Wednesday
Church of Saint Anselm, 16.30
Statio and penitential procession
Basilica of Saint Sabina, 17.00
Holy Mass, blessing and imposition of the Ashes

Sunday 10
I Sunday of Lent
Beginning of the spiritual exercises for the Roman Curia

Friday 15
Conclusion of the spiritual exercises for the Roman Curia

Friday 29
Vatican Basilica
Celebration of Penitence, 17.00

Saturday 30
Sunday 31
Apostolic trip to Morocco


Sunday 14
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Saint Peter’s Square, 10.00
Commemoration of the Lord’s entry in Jerusalem and Holy Mass

Thursday 18
Holy Thursday
Vatican Basilica, 9.30
Holy Chrism Mass

Friday 19
Good Friday
Vatican Basilica, 17.00
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

Colosseum, 21.15
Via Crucis

Saturday 20
Holy Saturday
Vatican Basilica, 20.30
Easter Vigil

Sunday 21
Easter Sunday
Saint Peter’s Square, 10.00
Holy Mass of the day

Central balcony of the Vatican Basilica, 12.00 noon
“Urbi et Orbi” blessing
