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Sala Stampa

Synod18 – “The wisdom of time” – Meeting of young people and the elderly with the Holy Father Francis, 23.10.2018

This afternoon, at 16.00. at the Augustinianum Patristic Institute, the special event “The wisdom of time”, a meeting of young people and the elderly with the Holy Father Francis, took place in the context of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the theme: Young people, the faith and vocational discernment (3 to 28 October 2018).

The meeting arose from an editorial project by Fr. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., released today: “La saggezza del tempo. In dialogo con Papa Francesco sulle grandi questioni della vita” (“The wisdom of time. In dialogue with Pope Francis on life’s great questions”, a collection of 250 interviews with elderly people from 30 countries, with the help of non-profit organizations such as Unbound and the Jesuit Refugee Service.

Following interventions by H.E. Msgr. José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, O.S.A., archbishop of Panama and president of the Organizing Committee for World Youth Day 2019, and the author, Fr. Antonio Spadaro S.J., director of “La Civiltà Cattolica”, the Holy Father gave off-the-cuff answers to questions from a group of young and elderly people from Colombia, Italy, Malta and the United States.
