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Sala Stampa

Audience with a delegation of Municipalities of Trentino, 24.03.2018

At 12.10 today, in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience a delegation of Municipalities of Trentino, led by H.E. Msgr. Lauro Tisi, archbishop of Trento.

The following is the Pope’s address to those present:


Address of the Holy Father

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am glad to welcome you, representatives of the Communities of Trentino, who for twenty years have collaborated generously with the Holy See, especially the Governorate of Vatican City State, in various activities and initiatives. I think in particular of the various associations, businesses and families of the Muncipalities of Carisolo, Pinzolo and Tesero, as well as the Alpini, the Forest Corps and the Civil Protection. To each one of you I address a warm greeting, starting from Dr. Ugo Rossi, president of the Autonomous Province of Trento, your archbishop, Msgr. Lauro Tisi, whom I thank for his kind words, and all of you who, with your presence, demonstrate the devotion and affection of the entire population of Trentino towards the Pope.

This meeting of ours offers me the opportunity to express my grateful appreciation for your effort in giving concrete support to different projects, aimed especially at the reception of pilgrims and visitors here in the Vatican. With your contribution, you express the traditional values of faith, laboriousness and solidarity, well rooted in your land. There is a great need these days for people who know how to bear courageous witness to the moral values taught by the Gospel!

I encourage you to continue in your intention to spread the culture of acceptance and a model of open and fraternal life, in harmony with our dignity as children of God. May your families be true “domestic churches” founded on the Word of Jesus, on love for the Church and service to life. They will thus constitute schools of human and Christian values for the new generations. Generously spread the Gospel seed of charity in the places where Providence calls you to work.

Dear friends, may this pause at the heart of Christianity help you to deepen your faith and prepare with fervour for Easter, now close. I entrust you and your families to the caring intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church and, as I ask you to pray for me, I impart my Apostolic Blessing.
