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Sala Stampa

Holy Father’s telegram of condolences for the death of His Eminence Cardinal Ricardo J. Vidal, 18.10.2017

The following is the telegram of condolences for the death this morning of Cardinal Ricardo J. Vidal, archbishop emeritus of Cebu, Philippines, of the title of Saints Peter and Paul in Via Ostiense, sent by the Holy Father Francis to H.E. Msgr. Jose S. Palma, archbishop of Cebu:


Telegram of the Holy Father

The Most Reverent Jose S. Palma
Archbishop of Cebu

Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Cardinal Ricardo Vidal, I extend my sincere condolences to you, and to the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the archdiocese of Cebu. Joining with you in expressing profound gratitude for the late Cardinal’s untiring and devoted service to the Church, and for his constant advocacy of dialogue and peace for all the people in the Philippines, I commend his soul to the infinite love and mercy of our heavenly Father. As a pledge of consolation and hope in the Lord, to all who mourn his passing in the certain hope of the Resurrection, I willingly impart my Apostolic Blessing.

