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Notice of Press Conference, 22.09.2017

On Tuesday 26 September 2017, at 11.00, in the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, a press conference will be held to present the upcoming initiatives of the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI.

a) The First Edition of the “Ragione Aperta” Prize, in collaboration with the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid) on 27 September, at the Academy of Sciences in the Vatican.

b) The Seventh Edition of the “Ratzinger Prize” (with the announcement of the award winners) on 18 November 2017, in the Vatican.

c) The Seventh international Congress on the theme “Laudato si’. For the care of the common Home”, a necessary conversion to the “Ecology of Man”, in collaboration with the Universidad Católica de Costa Rica, from 29 November to 1 December 2017, in San José de Costa Rica.

The speakers at the Press Conference will be:

- His Eminence Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture and member of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee;

- Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., President of the Managing Board of the Foundation;

- Prof. Daniel Sada, Magnificent Rector of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid;

- Dr. Fernando F. Sánchez Campos, Magnificent Rector of the Universidad Católica de Costa Rica.
