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Pastoral visit of the Holy Father Francis to Cesena on the third centenary of the birth of Pope Pius VI and Bologna for the conclusion of the diocesan Eucharistic Conference (1 October 2017), 13.09.2017

The Holy Father Francis, accepting the invitation from H.E. Msgr. Douglas Regattieri, bishop of Cesena-Sarsina, will visit Cesena for the third centenary of the birth of Pope Pius VI.

Likewise, accepting the invitation from H.E. Msgr. Matteo Maria Zuppi, archbishop of Bologna, he will carry out a pastoral visit to the archdiocese of Bologna on the occasion of the diocesan Eucharistic Congress.

The programme of the Holy Father Francis’ pastoral visit to the diocese of Cesena and the archdiocese of Bologna was published on 13 April. The following is the updated programme:


Departure by helicopter from the Vatican heliport



Arrival by helicopter at the Hippodrome of Cesena



Encounter with citizens in Piazza del Popolo
(At the end, exchange of gifts with the mayor)



(During the journey by car to the cathedral, there will be a brief stop outside Palazzo Ridotto, where the mayor will unveil the plaque inaugurating “Largo Pio VI”. The Pope will not leave the car).

Encounter with the clergy, consecrated persons, laypeople and pastoral counsellors, members of the Curia and parish representatives in the Cathedral.

In the Chapel of the Madonna del Popolo: adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament and veneration of Our Lady.

(To be attended by various people who are sick, whom the Holy Father will greet).

Greetings from Msgr. Douglas Regattieri, bishop of Cesena-Sarsini

(Exchange of gifts with the bishop)

In the sacristy, the Holy Father will briefly encounter the guests of the Reception House and the organisers of the visit.



Departure by helicopter from the Hippodrome of Cesena



Arrival in Bologna, in the car park of the Chieti Savings Bank



Visit to the regional Hub of Via Enrico Mattei: Encounter with greeting to immigrants and aid staff

(There are around 1000 guests in the centre)



Meeting with the world of work, the unemployed, representatives of Unindustria, trades unions, Confcooperativa and Lagacoop in Piazza Maggiore



Angelus prayer in Piazza Maggiore

with the participation of representatives of the world of work



Lunch with the poor, in the Basilica of San Petronio

Words before lunch


Encounter with priests, religious, seminarians from the Regional Seminary, and permanent deacons in the Cathedral of St. Peter

Greetings from H.E. Msgr. Matteo Maria Zuppi, archbishop of Bologna



Encounter with students and the academic world in Piazza San Domenico



Celebration of Holy Mass in the Dall’Ara Stadium

Greetings from H.E. Msgr. Matteo Maria Zuppi, archbishop of Bologna



Departure by helicopter from the “Corticelli” sports centre of Bologna



Arrival in the Vatican heliport