Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis in Colombia (6-11 September 2017) – Words of the Holy Father at the Apostolic Nunciature of Bogotá, 09.09.2017

The following is the Holy Father’s off-the-cuff greeting to a group of victims of violence: soldiers, agents and former guerrillas, who awaited him outside the apostolic nunciature of Bogotá:


Words of the Holy Father

Thank you for the field hospital.

Thank you, because the doors are open and they remain open.

Thank you for those you encourage to enter, who look from afar and want to enter but do not know how.

Thank you for accepting such ruin, for knowing that one can be left with nothing, and be unable to find a way no matter how hard he tries… but proclaim in front of everyone this phrase that I will never forget:

“God forgives me”.

There are many who cannot forgive yet, but today we receive a lesson in theology, in high theology: God forgives me. Just let Him do it.

And all Colombia must open her doors, just as this field hospital opens them. And to let Him enter, and to let Him forgive. To make room for Him: “Look, I can’t do it, but you can”.

Real reconciliation, with truth, justice, and mercy, only He can do it. Let Him do it. And we will learn, after Him, to do it.

Thank you for what you do. Thank you. And thank you for what you have taught me this evening.


At the foot of the cross there was the Mother. And she had been stripped of her Son, and she had seen the torture, everything. May she accompany Colombian women and show them, like her, the way to go. Let us ask together: Hail Mary…

May God Almighty, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless you. Thank you.