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Sala Stampa

Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis in Colombia (6-11 September 2017) – the Pope’s words during the flight from Rome to Bogotá, 06.09.2017

On the aircraft carrying him to Bogotá, for his twentieth Apostolic Trip, Pope Francis gave his customary greetings to the media workers who accompanied him on the papal flight.

Introduced by the director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, the Holy Father addressed some words to the journalists, the full text of which is published below:


Words of the Holy Father

Greg Burke:

Holy Father, welcome. Once you asked me if you will hold a press conference on both the outbound and return flights. I said, “Not yet”. I don’t think you want to change that today…

Holy Father:

No, no…

Greg Burke:

No, good. But perhaps a greeting, yes…

Holy Father:

Good morning, and thank you for your company, for this work you carry out in accompanying me on this trip, which is rather special as it is a trip to help Colombia go ahead in her journey of peace. And I ask of you a prayer for this during the trip. And thank you for all that you will do.

I would also like to say that during the flight, we will pass over Venezuela. And so, a prayer also for Venezuela, that there may be dialogue and that the country find a good stability through dialogue with all. Thank you for your work!