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Resignations and Appointments, 29.07.2017

Resignation of bishop of Lucena, Philippines, and appointment of successor

Appointment of bishop of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela


Resignation of bishop of Lucena, Philippines, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Lucena, Philippines, presented by His Excellency the Rev. Msgr. Emilio Z. Marquez.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of Lucena, Philippines, the Rev. Mel Rey M. Uy, of the clergy of the diocese of Romblon, currently diocesan bursar.

Msgr. Mel Rey M. Uy

Msgr. Mel Rey M. Uy was born in San Agustin, Romblon, on 6 January 1968. He studied philosophy at the San Pius X Seminary of Roxas, Capiz, and theology at the St. Thomas University in Manila, where he obtained a Master’s degree in philosophy.

He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Romblon on 24 May 1994.

He subsequently held the offices of spiritual director of the San Lorenzo Seminary, Romblon (1995-1996); director of the Holy Rosary Academy in San Agustin, Romblon (1995-2000); teacher at the San Lorenzo Seminary, and pastor of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Carmen, San Agustin (1998-2004); pastor of the St. Antonio de Padua parish in Agnipa, Romblon, and diocesan chancellor (2004-2009). Since 1999 he has served as director of the Diocesan Commission on Liturgy, and since 2010, diocesan bursar, and director of the Diocesan Pastoral Secretariat and of a Base Community.


Appointment of bishop of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, the Rev. Fr. Helizandro Terán Bermúdez, O.S.A., currently provincial vicar of the Order of St. Augustine in Venezuela.

Msgr. Helizandro Terán Bermúdez, O.S.A.

Helizandro Terán Bermúdez, O.S.A., was born in Maracaibo on 7 June 1965. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in sciences at the “Colegio Gonzaga” in Maracaibo, a Bachelor’s degree in theology from the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome, a licentiate in integral education from the “Celio Acosta” Catholic University of Maracaibo, and a licentiate and doctorate in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

He gave his solemn vows in the Order of St. Augustine on 23 December 1994, and received priestly ordination in Maracaibo on 9 September 1995.

He has held the following offices: professor at the St. Augustine College in Caricuao, professor at the “Andrés Bello” Catholic University in Caracas, advisor and vicarial secretary of the Order of St. Augustine in Venezuela, rector of the St. Augustine College in Caricuao, secretary of the Commission for Justice and Peace of the O.S.A. Vicariate in Venezuela, member of the international study Commission for the Order of St. Augustine and for the administration of the “Augustinianum” Institute in Rome, and since 2010, provincial vicar of the Order of St. Augustine in Venezuela.
