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Resignations and Appointments, 18.07.2017

Resignation of bishop of Mar del Plata, Argentina, and appointment of successor

Appointment of Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith


Resignation of bishop of Mar del Plata, Argentina, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Mar del Plata, Argentina, presented by His Excellency Msgr. Antonio Marino.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of Mar del Plata, Argentina, the Rev. Gabriel Antonio Mestre, vicar general and parish priest of the Cathedral of Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Rev. Gabriel Antonio Mestre

The Rev. Gabriel Antonio Mestre was born in Mar del Plata, province of Buenos Aires, on 15 September 1968. In 1989 he entered the San José Seminary, in La Plata. He obtained a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. He was ordained a priest on 16 May 1997 for the diocese of Mar del Plata, in which he held the following offices: parish vicar of the Cathedral (1997-2000); parish priest of Asunción de la Virgen, and at the same time, chaplain of the maternity hospital of Mar del Plata (2002-2010). In addition, he was a member of the presbyteral council and the college of consulters, vice rector and professor at the University School of Theology in Mar del Plata, founder and councillor of the diocesan secretariat for family pastoral care (2010-2014). He has also served as member of the Biblical Pastoral Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean within CELAM.

He has published several books on biblical issues.

Since 2012 he has served as vicar general and parish priest of the Cathedral of Mar del Plata.


Appointment of Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

The Pope has appointed as secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the Rev. Msgr. Giacomo Morandi, currently under-secretary of the same Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, assigning him the titular see of Cerveteri, with the dignity of Archbishop.

Rev. Msgr. Giacomo Morandi

The Rev. Msgr. Giacomo Morandi was born in Modena on 24 August 1965.

He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Modena-Nonantola on 11 April 1990.

He holds a licentiate in biblical sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome (1992). He obtained a licentiate and doctorate in theology of evangelization (missiology) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 2008).

After holding various pastoral roles, he was appointed as episcopal vicar for catechesis, evangelization and culture, and, subsequently, Archpriest of the Cathedral Chapter and vicar general of the diocese of Modena-Nonantola.

He is lecturer in sacred scripture at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Modena, lecturer in patristic exegesis in the “Cardinal T. Spidlìk Theology Workshop” at the Centro Aletti in Rome, linked to the Pontifical Oriental Institute.

He was appointed as under-secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on 27 October 2015.
