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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 10.05.2017

Resignation of bishop of Limoeiro do Norte, Brazil, and appointment of successor

Appointment of bishop of São Luiz de Cáceres, Brazil

Appointment of auxiliary of Niterói, Brazil


Resignation of bishop of Limoeiro do Norte, Brazil, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Limoeiro do Norte, Brazil, presented by His Excellency Msgr. José Haring, O.F.M.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Limoeiro do Norte, Brazil, the Rev. Fr. André Vital Félix da Silva, S.C.I., currently provincial counsellor of the Brazil Recife Province of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonian Fathers).

Rev. Fr. André Vital Félix da Silva, S.C.I.

The Rev. Fr. André Vital Félix da Silva, S.C.I., was born on 31 May 1965 in Recife, Pernambuco State. He studied philosophy at the Salesian Institute of Philosophy in Recife and theology at the Franciscan Institute of Theology in Olinda. He then obtained a licentiate in biblical theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

He gave his religious vows in the Congregation of the Dehonian Fathers on 25 February  1986, and received priestly ordination on 2 January 1991.

As a priest he has held the following offices: parish vicar, formator, parish administrator, vice-provincial, and member of the Dehonian Theology Commission of Latin America.

He is currently parish vicar, provincial counsellor and secretary of the provincial council of the Brazil Recife Dehonian Province.


Appointment of bishop of São Luiz de Cáceres, Brazil

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the diocese of São Luiz de Cáceres, Brazil, Rev. Jacy Diniz Rocha, currently pastor of the parish of Santo Antonio a Coluna and diocesan pastoral coordinator for the diocese of Guanhães.

Rev. Jacy Diniz Rocha

The Rev. Jacy Diniz Rocha was born on 29 September 1958 in São João Evangelista, in the diocese of Guanhães, Minas Gerais State. After attending elementary and middle school in Barreiras, he studied philosophy at the major seminary of Brasilia and theology in three institutions: at the major seminary of Brasilia, at the Superior School of Theology in Barra and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Belo Horizonte.

He received priestly ordination on 26 May 198, and was incardinated in the diocese of Barreiras, in the state of Bahia, where he held the offices of parish vicar, parish administrator, pastor, vocational promoter and formator in the preparatory seminary.

In 2003 he transferred to the diocese of Guanhães, where he was incardinated on 23 January 2006 and where he held the following offices: administrator in the parishes of Sant’Ana in Ferros (2003-2005), Nossa Senhora da Glória a Divinolândia de Minas (2005-2012), Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio in Virginópolis (2005-2012), and Santa Maria Eterna in Santa Maria do Suaçuí (2012-2013); pastor of the São Sebastião parish in Sabinópolis (2014), head and professor at the school of pastoral agents, and member of the presbyteral council and college of consultors.

He is currently diocesan pastoral coordinator and pastor of the Santo Antonio parish in Coluna.


Appointment of auxiliary of Niterói, Brazil

The Pope has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Niterói, Brazil, Rev. Luiz Antônio Lopes Ricci, of the clergy of the diocese of Bauru, currently pastor of the São Cristóvão parish in Bauru, assigning him the titular see of Tindari.

Rev. Luiz Antônio Lopes Ricci

The Rev. Luiz Antônio Lopes Ricci was born on 16 May in Bauru, in the diocese of the same name, in the state of São Paulo. He carried out his ecclesiastical studies in Manila: philosophy at the Sagrado Coração de Jesus provincial seminary (1991-1993) and theology at the Rainha dos Apóstolos Theological Institute (1994-1997). He then obtained a licentiate (1997-1999) and a doctorate (2004-2007) in moral theology from the Alphonsianum Academy in Rome. He also attended post-doctoral courses in bioethics at the São Camilo University Centre in São Paulo (2013-2014).

On 10 July 1997 he was ordained a priest, and incardinated in the diocese of Bauru. During his ministry he has held the following offices: vice rector and subsequently rector of the provincial seminary in Marília; administrator of the Senhor Bom Jesus do Mirante parish in Cabrália Paulista and of the Santa Maria parish in Piratininga; spiritual assistant for courses in preparation for marriage and of the movement Encontro de Casais com Cristo; diocesan pastoral coordinator; professor at the João Paulo II Faculty (FAJOPA) in Marília; vicar general; and member of the presbyteral council and the college of consultors.

Since 2008 he has served as pastor of the São Cristóvão parish in Bauru and since 2016 he has held the role of director of the João Paulo II Faculty of the ecclesiastical province of Botucatu, in Marília.
