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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 18.04.2017

Appointment of bishop of Mainz, Germany

The Holy Father Francis has appointed as bishop of Mainz, Germany, Rev. Peter Kohlgraf, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Köln (Cologne), currently professor of pastoral theology at the High Catholic School of Mainz.

Rev. Peter Kohlgraf

The Rev. Peter Kohlgraf was born on 21 March 1967 in Cologne. After three years of ministry as deputy priest in Euskirchen, he continued his studies at the university of Bonn, serving at the same time as chaplain and teacher of religion at the Kardinal-Frings-Gymnasium in the same city.

In 2000 he obtained a Doctorate in theology from the University of Bonn.

He was subsequently assistant at the Collegium Albertinum in Bonn (2003-2009) and, for two years, substitute for the chair of Religious Education at the University of Münster (2006-2008), where in 2010 he received his diploma in theology.

From 2009 to 2013 he served as chaplain and teacher of religion at the Erzbischöfliches Gymnasium Marienberg in Neuss, before becoming professor of pastoral theology at the High Catholic School of Mainz, at the same time performing parochial ministry in the pastoral unit of Wörrstadt-Rheinhessen in the diocese of Mainz.

