Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Audiences, 27.03.2017

This morning the Holy Father received in audience:

- Prelates of the Canadian Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops, on their “ad Limina Apostolorum” visit:

Archbishop Richard Joseph Gagnon of Winnipeg;

Archbishop Richard William Smith of Edmonton, with his auxiliary Bishop Gregory John Matthew Bittman, titular bishop of Caltadria;

Bishop William McGratton of Calgary;

Bishop Paul Terrio of Saint Paul in Alberta;

Archbishop Gerard Pettipas, C.SS.R., of Grouard-McLennan;

Bishop Mark Hagemoen of MacKenzie-Fort Smith;

Bishop Hector Filip Vila of Whitehorse;

Archbishop Murray Chatlain of Keewatin-Le Pas;

Bishop Anthony Wieslaw Krotki, O.M.I., of Churchill-Baie d’Hudson;

Archbishop Daniel Joseph Bohan of Regina;

Bishop Albert Thévenot, M.Afr., of Prince-Albert;

Rev. Kevin McGee, diocesan administrator of Saskatoon;

Archbishop Albert LeGatt of Saint-Boniface;

Archbishop Michael J. Miller, C.S.B., of Vancouver;

Bishop Jospeh Nguyen of Kamloops;

Bishop John Corriveau, O.F.M. Cap., of Nelson;

Bishop Stephen Arthur Jensen of Prince George; with Bishop emeritus Gerald WilliamWiesner;

Bishop Gary M. Gordon of Vittoria;

Archbishop Lawrence Huculak, O.S.B.M., of Winnipeg of the Ukrainians;

Bishop David Motiuk of Edmonton of the Ukrainians;

Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski of New Westminster of the Ukrainians;

Bishop Bryan J. Bayda, C.SS.R., of Saskatoon of the Ukrainians;

Rev. Abbot Peter Novecovsky, O.S.B., secretary general.

