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“Meeting point” to present the International Study Convention organised by the Pontifical Committee for Social Sciences, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the Lutheran Reformation (1517-2017), 22.03.2017

At 12.30 on Wednesday 22 March 2017, at the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, a “Meeting point” is being held to present the International Study Convention organised by the Pontifical Committee for Social Sciences, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the Lutheran Reformation (1517-2017), on the theme: Luther 500 after. A rereading of the Lutheran Reformation in its historical ecclesial context. The Convention will take place in the Conference Hall of the Institute of Maria Santissima Bambina (Via Paolo VI, 21, Rome) from 29 to 31 March 2017.

The following will be available to speak with journalists: Rev. Fr. Bernard Ardura, O. Praem., president of the Pontifical Committee for Social Sciences; Rev. Prof. Don Johannes Grohe, ordinary professor of medieval history at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome and director of the scientific journal Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum.
