Resignation of the auxiliary of San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Appointment of apostolic nuncio in the Central African Republic
Resignation of the auxiliary of San Pedro Sula, Honduras
The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary bishop of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, presented by Msgr. Rómulo Emiliani Sánchez, C.M.F., titular archbishop of Nigre maggiori.
Appointment of apostolic nuncio in the Central African Republic
The Pope has appointed as apostolic nuncio in the Central African Republic Msgr. Santiago De Wit Guzmán, nunciature counsellor, at the same time elevating him to the dignity of archbishop and assigning him the titular see of Gabala.
Msgr. Santiago De Wit Guzmán
Msgr. Santiago De Wit Guzmán was born in Valencia, Spain on 5 September 1964. He was ordained a priest on 27 May 1989 and incardinated in Valencia.
He holds a degree in canon law.
He entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 13 June 1998, and has served in the papal representations in the Central African Republic, the Netherlands, Paraguay, Egypt, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Spain.
He speaks English, French and Italian.