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Sala Stampa

Cardinal Schönborn, special envoy at the commemoration of the erection of the diocese of Minsk-Mohilev, 25.06.2016

Vatican City, 25 June 2016 – A letter was published today, written in Latin and dated 1 June, in which the Holy Father appoints Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna, Austria, as his special envoy at the celebration for the 25th anniversary of the erection of the archdiocese of Minsk-Mohilev in Belarus, to be held in Budslau from 1 to 2 July.

The pontifical mission accompanying the cardinal will be composed of Rev. Don Aliaksandr Baryla, pastor of the parish of "Exaltation of the Holy Cross" in Vileyka and Rev. Fr. Viktar Haidukevich, S.D.B., delegate inspector of the Salesian Delegation in Belarus.
