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Sala Stampa

The Pope answers questions on the peace process in Colombia and the result of the United Kingdom referendum during the flight to Armenia, 25.06.2016

Vatican City, 25 June 2016 – During the flight to Yerevan the Holy Father greeted the seventy journalists reporting on his apostolic trip, and answered two questions from Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., regarding recent events. The first related to the peace process in Colombia, and the second the result of the referendum in the United Kingdom on "Brexit".

"Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here and for your work", said the Pope. "I beg your pardon if I speak with my back to some of you. They say the angels don't have one!".

On the first question, I am happy about this news that I received yesterday. Over fifty years of war, guerilla fighting and so much bloodshed. … It was good news and I hope the countries that worked for this peace and guarantee that it holds will 'reinforce' it so that it will never be possible to return, either from within or without, to a state of war. Congratulations to Colombia as it now takes this step".

"As for the second question, I only learned the final outcome here on the plane, because when I left home I looked in Il Messaggero and the final results were not yet in. It was the will of the people, and this demands of us all a great responsibility for ensuring the good of the people of the United Kingdom, as well as the good and the coexistence of the entire European continent. That is my hope".

"Thank you again, and I will see you again on the return flight. Once again, many thanks".
