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Sala Stampa

Greetings in various languages, 22.06.2016

Vatican City, 22 June 2016 – After the Pope's catechesis, he addressed the pilgrims present in St. Peter's Square in different languages. They included a French-speaking delegation active in civil society, accompanied by Msgr. Dominique Rey. Among the Portuguese-speaking faithful he mentioned the members of the Brazilian community Doce Mae de Deus and the Escuteiros de Leiria group.

In Italian he greeted the motorcyclists in Rome for the Jubilee, with the bishop of Città di Castello, Msgr. Domenico Cancian, and the doctors and volunteers of the Policlinico "Gemelli" who participated in the "Give life with your heart" initiative, whom he thanked for the cardiological examinations they offered free of charge to those in need via a mobile clinic. He also noted that last Thursday the same hospital inaugurated its "House of Mercy", a dormitory for the homeless managed by the Sant'Egidio Community, a concrete project implemented in the context of this extraordinary Jubilee.

Finally, he referred with affection to the participants in the Giostra del Saracino, an historic popular celebration that takes place every year in Arezzo, dedicated this year to the theme of mercy. "I express my deepest appreciation for your efforts in evoking historic events, spreading a message of peace, dialogue and encounter among cultures in the name of St. Francis". Likewise he greeted the UALSI Foundation of Santa Anastasia and the members of the Cesare Pozzo mutual aid society.
