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Sala Stampa

Consistory for the canonisation of five Blesseds, 13.06.2016

Vatican City, 13 June 2016 – On Monday 20 June in the Consistory Hall of the Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father will preside at the celebration of Terce and the ordinary public consistory for the canonisation of the Blesseds:

- Salomon Leclercq (né Guillaume-Nicolas-Louis Leclercq), 1745-1792, French, of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, martyr;

- Manuel González García, 1877-1940, Spanish, bishop of Palencia, founder of the Children of Reparation and the Congregation of the Eucharistic Missionaries of Nazareth;

- Ludovico Pavoni, 1784-1849, Italian priest, founder of the Sons of Mary;

- Alfonso Maria Fusco, 1839-1910, Italian priest, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist;

- Elisabeth of the Holy Trinity (née Elisabeth Catez), 1880-1906, French professed religious of the Order of Descalced Carmelites.

