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Angelus: new appeal against child labour, 13.06.2016

Vatican City, 12 June 2016 – In today's Angelus the Pope mentioned that yesterday in Italy two new Blesseds were proclaimed: in Vercelli, the priest Giacomo Abbondo (1720-1788), "beloved of God, cultured, and always available to his parishioners", and in Monreale, Sr. Carolina Santocanale, founder of the Capuchin Sisters of the Immaculate of Lourdes, who was born to a noble family of Palermo but chose to leave comfort behind to become "poor among the poor". "From Christ, especially in the Eucharist, she draw the strength for her spiritual maternity and her tenderness with the weakest", said the Holy Father.

"In the context of the Jubilee of the sick", he continued, "an international congress has been held during these days in Rome, dedicated to people affected by Hansen's disease. I greet with gratitude the organisers and participants, and hope for fruitful efforts in the battle against this disease".

Today, World Day against Child Labour, the Pope urged all to renew their efforts to remove the causes of this form of modern slavery that "deprives millions of children of some of their fundamental rights, and exposes them to grave dangers", emphasising that "nowadays there are many slave children in the world".

Finally, he greeted with affection all the pilgrims in Rome for the Jubilee of the sick and disabled, along with the doctors and health care workers who, in the "Health Points" set up at the four Papal basilicas, are offering specialist examinations to hundreds of people who live on the city's margins.
