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AÓS BRACO Card. Celestino, O.F.M. Cap.

06 Card. Celestino Aos Braco, O.F.M. Cap

Cardinal Celestino Aós Braco, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop emeritus of Santiago de Chile, was born in Artaiz, in the Archdiocese of Pamplona, Spain, on 6 April 1945.  He completed his philosophical studies in Zaragoza and his theological studies in Pamplona.

He was awarded a licentiate in psychology from the University of Barcelona.

He made his temporary religious profession as a Capuchin Franciscan on 15 August 1964 in Sangüesa and his perpetual profession on 16 September 1967 in Pamplona.  He was ordained a priest in Pamplona on 30 March 1968.

As a priest he held the following positions: in Spain he was professor in Lecaroz - Navarre, vicar in Tudela, professor in Pamplona and vicar in Zaragoza.  He was sent to Chile in 1983, where he served as parochial vicar of the Parish of Longavi; superior of the community in Los Ángeles; pastor of San Miguel in Viña del Mar and superior of the community of Recreo.  He was episcopal vicar for consecrated life of the Diocese of Valparaiso, and, from 2008-2014, parochial vicar of the Parish of San Francisco de Asís in Los Ángeles in the Diocese of Santa María de Los Ángeles.

Archbishop Aós Braco has also served as provincial Bursar of the Capuchins in Chile, Promoter of Justice of the ecclesiastical tribunal of Valparaiso, Judge of the tribunal of the Archdiocese of Concepción and Bursar of the Chilean Association of Canon Law.

Appointed Bishop of Copiapó on 25 July 2014, he received episcopal ordination the following 18 October.  On 23 March 2019 he was appointed Apostolic Administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile.

From 27 December 2019 to 25 October 2023 Cardinal Celestino Aós Braco was Archbishop of Santiago de Chile.

Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 November 2020, of the Title of Santi Nereo ed Achilleo.

Member of:

  • Pontifical Commission for Latin America;
  • Dicasteries: for Culture and Education; for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.