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Art. 1 − Name and Seat
The “Fraternitas Internationalis Mater Dei et Ecclesiae” is constituted by the Patriarchal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, dependent on the Liberian Chapter. The Centre of the Fraternitas is sited inside the Basilica.

Art. 2 − Purpose
The Fraternitas is a non-profit association.
Its objectives are:

1. to care of its own interior life modelled on the example of Mary, according to the ascetic principle “Ad Jesum per Mariam” inspired by St. Louis M. Grignion de Monfort, and nourished by an assiduous devotion to the Eucharist;
2. the spiritual, moral and eventually also financial support to the Basilica;
3. the apostolate intended to the propagation of the devotion to Mary as Mother of God and of the Church.

Art. 3 − Duration
The duration of the Fraternitas is perpetuated, but it could be dissolved upon a deliberation by the Liberian Chapter.

Art. 4 − Request for admission
All Catholic faithful people who have completed the eighteenth year of age and from all states of life and who intend to cooperate, according to their possibilities, for the achievement of the objectives of the Centre, can be admitted to the Fraternitas. In order to be admitted one must complete a written request, declaring to accept the present Statute. Under these provisions Clerics, Men and Women Religious, and lay people, married or unmarried, can adhere to it. The Fraternitas is particularly open to women, who may already be incorporated in an Ordo Virginum or are nominated to enter into it, and who would like to adhere to the Association sharing with it the Marian spirituality and the specific and distinctive objectives.
The admission consent is deliberated, upon the Prefect proposal, by the Archpriest Cardinal.

Art. 5 − Rights and duties of the associates
All associates find enjoyment in the spiritual compensation coming from the precious patrimony of Marian mercy exclusive to the Basilica. The associates should live good Christian lives, participate in the activities of the Centre, and keep a correct behaviour under all aspects which should not conflict with the intentions of the Fraternitas.

Art. 6 − Terms of the associates
The associates cease to be members of the Fraternitas under the following circumstances:
1. by lack of renewal of the annual subscription fee;
2. by voluntary resignation;
3. by expulsion upon the Prefect request and deliberated by the Archpriest Cardinal. This could be pronounced against an associate after his/her dishonourable actions occurring inside or outside of the Centre, or if he/she conducted himself/herself in a manner that could be an impediment to the good advance of the association.

Art. 7 − Bodies
The governing bodies of the Fraternitas are:

- the President (the person of the pro tempore Archpriest Cardinal)
- the Prefect (a Canon elected by the Chapter)
- the Secretary (a lay person, appointed by the Prefect)

Art. 8 − The budget
The Prefect draws up the yearly budget, which is the economic and financial account of the Centre. He takes care of the all documentation which could be required by law or by Chapter provision. The budget is customarily presented to the Chapter for the approval during the meeting in the month of March.

Art. 9 − The President
The Archpriest Cardinal, as President of the Fraternitas, is the legal representative of the Association. He can delegate his office qualifications to the Prefect.

Art. 10 − The Prefect
The Prefect runs the Centre and coordinates all of the activities of the Fraternitas. He executes the deliberations of the President. Assisted by the Secretary, he is in charge of correspondence and as treasurer, he takes care of the administration of the Centre and is the person responsible for the book-keeping system. The Prefect remains in office for three years. His mandate is renewable twice for three years each time.

Art. 11 − Patrimony
The financial assets of the Fraternitas are constituted by the liberality of the associates, by possible contributions of organizations and associations, or by legacy and donations given by third parties.

Art. 12 − Sections
The Centre shall be able to create some Sections in the most opportune locations in order to better achieve its own objectives.


© 2006 Basilica Papale Santa Maria Maggiore