2002 |
January |
February |
Mars |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
January 2002 |
2002, January 3-7 Sarasota (FL), U.S.A. |
X° National Gathering of Circus and Traveling Show Ministries Migration and Refugees Services, Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees |
2002, January 7-10 Mumbay, India |
AOS South Asia Regional Conference Apostleship of the Sea |
2002, January 21 Montecarlo |
Incontro ecumenico Forum delle Organizzazioni Cristiane per l'Animazione Pastorale dei Circensi e dei Lunaparchisti |
2002, January 24-27 Tujuana, Mexico |
International Conference of Transborder Institute Migraiont and Religious Experience in the Context of Globalization Scalabrinians - The Transborder Institute of the University of San Diego, California |
2002, January 29-30 Méxicali, Mexico |
Second Joint Consultation of the Migrations Commissions from Mexico and the U.S.A. |
2002, January 29-31 Tampa (FL), U.S.A. |
Annual Conference of the NCCAC National Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains |
February 2002 |
2002, February 19-24 Lomé, Togo |
AOS Africa Atlantic Regional Conference Apostleship of the Sea |
2002, February 28 - March 2 Lugano, Switzerland |
Congresso internazionale in memoria di S.E. Mons. Eugenio Corecco Per una convivenza tra i popoli. Migrazioni e multiculturalità Amici di S.E. Mons. Eugenio Corecco |
March 2002 |
2002, March Genève, Switzerland |
IV° Meeting. Global Consultation on International Protection United Nation's High Commission for Refugees |
2002, March 1-3 Valenciennes, France |
Rencontre Nationale sur les Enjeux de la Mobilité Étudiante Le choc des cultures: un défi à reveler ... au quotidien! La Mission Étudiante |
2002, March 4-7 Montserrat, Spain
3° European Congres on Shrines and Pilgrimages The Shrine: a place for fraternal and universal welcome Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People - Shrine Our Lady of Montserrat |
2002, March 4-11 Piacenza, Italy |
Corso di formazione permanente scalabriniana in Europa Pastorale migratoria in una società pluriculturale in Europa European Regional Direction of the Scalabrinian Fathers |
2002, March 5-7 Genève, Switzerland |
XXIII° Meeting. Standing Committee of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme United Nation's High Commission for Refugees |
2002, March 15-17 Wien, Austria |
Incontro annuale dei Membri del CCIT Comité Catholique Internationale pour les Tsiganes |
2002, March 15-17 Istanbul, Turkey |
Meeting of the Migration Commission of the CCEE Famiglie e donne emigrate Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae |
2002, March 18-22 Rust, Germany |
Congresso Internationale del Forum Alla luce della Parola di Dio, i circensi e i lunaparchisti promotori e protagonisti di una comunità viva Forum delle Organizzazioni Cristiane per l'Animazione Pastorale dei Circensi e dei Lunaparchisti |
April 2002 |
2002, April 5-7 Base de Loisirs de Buthiers, France |
Congrès National des Gens du Voyage Je suis le Chemin, la Vérité et la Vie Aumônerie des Gens du Voyage en France |
2002, April 9-12 U.S.A. |
I° AOS U.S.A. National Meeting |
2002, April 22-26 Roma, Italy |
XI° Seminario Internazionale dei Cappellani Cattolici e degli Operatori Pastorali dell'Aviazione Civile Fedeltà all'impegno e alla missione nel contesto aeroportuale Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti |
2002, April 25-28 Bonn, Germany |
Jahresakademie KAAD Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer Dienst |
2002, April 29-May 1 Vatican City |
XV° Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People Maritime Ministry, the Sea and Migration, the Sea and Tourism |
May 2002 |
2002, May 12-15 Ciudad de Messico, Mexico |
Assemblée Générale BITS Bureau International Tourisme Social |
June 2002 |
July 2002 |
2002, July 13-16 Gent, Belgium |
VI° Colloquium of SECIS Service of European Churches for International Students |
2002, July 2-7 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia |
V° Faith Encounter in Social Action From Distrust to Respect ... Rejection to Welcome Office for Human Development of the Federation of Asian Bishop's Conferences |
2002, July, 26-29 Singapore Penang, Malaysia
Meeting with the Singapore Archdiocesan Commission for Migrants and Itinerants Meeting with the Penang Diocesan Commission for Migrants and Itinerants Meeting with the Penang Support Group for Migrant Filipinos |
2002, July 29 - August 4 Loreto, Italy |
5° Meeting Internazionale sulle Migrazioni Migranti in Europa: cittadini o forza lavoro? Missionari e Laici Scalabriniani |
September 2002 |
2002, September 25 - 26 Genève, Switzerland |
XXV° Meeting. Standing Committee of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme United Nation's High Commission for Refugees |
2002, September 15 Paris, France |
IACAC Executive Board Meeting International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplaincies |
2002, September 16-20 Paris, France |
35° Annual Conference of the IACAC International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplaincies |
2002, September 23-26 Khandwa, India
VII° National Assembly on Pastoral Care of Nomads in India (PACNI) Office for the Pastoral Care of Nomads in India |
2002, September 27 |
World Tourism Day Eco-tourism, the key to sustainable development |
2002, September 29 - October 5 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil |
XXI° World Congress of Apostolatus Maris Apostleship of the Sea in a new globalized World Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People |
2002, September 30 - October 4 Genève, Switzerland |
53° session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme United Nation's High Commission for Refugees |
October 2002 |
2002, October 7-10 Penang, Malaysia |
104° Assemblée Générale de l'A.I.T. Alliance Internationale du Tourisme |
2002, October 17-20 Singapore |
IV° International Consultation Meeting on Filipino Ministry Overseas The pastoral care of migrants, a way of accomplishing the mission of the Church today Episcopal Commission for Migrants and Itinerants, Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines |
November 2002 |
2002, November 5-9 Santiago, Chile |
III Congreso Americano de Santuarios Santuario: "... lugar de encuentro con Cristo para todos aquellos que, con espíritu de pobreza y humildad de corazón, buscan sinceramente a Dios" Confederación de Rectores de Santuarios de América Conferencia Episcopal de Chile |
December 2002 |