Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
before the meeting
p. 5
Interview with Vatican Radio (in various languages)
Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO
French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German)
p. 31
Greetings and Welcome
Cardinal Renato Raffaele MARTINO
p. 35
Lord, when did we see you? (Mt 25:44) Introduction on the Theme and Programme
p. 49
I soggetti senza fissa dimora
Prof. Mario POLLO
round table:
p. 91
Theme : Human and Pastoral Commitment Among the Homeless
Tema: Limpegno umano e pastorale con i senza fissa dimora
Participants / Partecipanti
Sig. Kristian GIANFREDA
p. 93
Fr. Barnabé DSOUZA, SDB
p. 101
Dott.ssa Francesca ZUCCARI
p. 107
Baronessa Martine JONET
p. 111
p. 117
Final Document
p. 129
Document Final
p. 139
Documento Finale
p. 149
Documento Final (em português)
p. 159
Documento Final (en español)
p. 171
p. 185
List of Participants