Documents issued by the Commission
The documents of the Pontifical Biblical Commission are presented in
chronological order.
text is given with its original title in Latin or another language,
followed by an English explanation of its contents, and the date of
publication in parentheses.
next line provides bibliographical references in Acta Apostolicae
Sedis or another source.
“What is
Man?” (Ps 8:5). An itinerary of
biblical anthropology (30 September 2019) [Libreria
Editrice Vaticana, 2019] [Italian,
Spanish] The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture (22
February 2014) [Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2014]
The Bible and Morality. Biblical Roots of Christian Conduct (May 11, 2008)
[Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City 2008]
Le peuple juif et ses Saintes
dans la Bible chrétienne, The
Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible (May 24, 2001)
[Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City 2001]
Spanish] L'interprétation de la Bible dans l'Église,
The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church
(April 15, 1993)
[Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City 1993]
Unité et diversité dans l'Église,
Unity and diversity in the Church (April 11, 1988)
[Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1988] [French,
Italian] De sacra Scriptura et
christologia, On Sacred Scripture and
Christology (1984) [Libreria
Editrice Vaticana] [German,
Latin] Ratio periclitandae doctrinae ad
academicos gradus candidatorum, The method of testing candidates for study in
Sacred Scripture a (December 7, 1974) [AAS
67 (1975) 153-158] [Italian,
Latin] De historica evangeliorum
veritate, The historicity of the Gospels (April 21st, 1964)
[AAS 56 (1964) 712-718] [Italian,
Spanish] De consociationibus biblicis et
de conventibus eiusdem generis, Biblical associations and conferences
(December 15, 1955) [AAS 48 (1956) 61-64]
Latin] De libro «Die Psalmen» Bernardi
Bonkamp, Regarding Bernard Bonkamp's book «Die Psalmen» (June 9, 1953)
[AAS 45 (1953) 432] [Italian,
Latin] De Scriptura sacra recte docenda,
Concerning the teaching of Sacred Scripture in seminaries and religious houses
of study (May 13, 1950) [AAS 42 (1950)
495-505] [Italian,
Latin] Des sources du Pentateuque et de
l'historicité de Genèse 1-11, Regarding the sources of the Pentateuch and the
historical value of Genesis 1-11 (January 16, 1948)
[AAS 40 (1948) 45-48] [French,
Italian] De usu novi Psalterii latini
extra horas canonicas, The use of the new Latin psalter beyond the canonical
hours (October 22nd, 1947)
[AAS 39 (1947) 508] [Italian,
Latin] De versionibus Sacrae Scripturae
in linguas vernaculas, Concerning the various versions of Sacred Scripture in
the vernacular (August 22nd, 1943) [AAS 35
(1943) 270] [Italian,
Latin] De experimentis ad Prolytatum,
Regarding licentiate exams before the Pontifical Biblical Commission (July
6, 1942) [AAS 34(1942) 232] [Italian,
Latin] Un opuscolo anonimo denigratorio,
Regarding an anonymously written denigratory work (August 20, 1941)
[AAS 33 (1941) 465-472] [Italian]
De experimentis ad lauream, Regarding doctoral exams before the Pontifical
Biblical Commission (July 16, 1939) [AAS 31
(1939) 320] [Italian,
Latin] De usu versionum Sacrae Scripturae
in ecclesiis, Concerning the use of the various versions of Sacred Scripture in
the Church (April 30, 1934) [AAS 35 (1943)
270] [Italian,
Latin] Opus cui titulus «Die Einwanderung
Israels in Kanaan» reprobatur, Condemnation of the work «Die Einwanderung
Israels in Kanaan» (February 27, 1934) [AAS
26 (1934) 130] [Italian,
Latin] De falsa duorum textuum biblicorum
interpretatione, On the false interpretation of two
biblical texts (July 1st, 1933) [AAS 25
(1933) 344] [Italian,
Latin] De additione variarum lectionum in
versione Vulgatae tam Novi quam Veteris Testamenti,
The addition of variants in editions of the Vulgate (November 17, 1921)
[AAS 14 (1922) 27] [Italian,
Latin] De parousia in epistolis Pauli
Apostoli, The parousia in the Letters of Saint Paul
(June 18, 1915) [AAS 7 (1915) 357-358] [Italian,
Latin] De epistola ad Hebraeos,
On the Letter to the Hebrews (June 24, 1914)
[AAS 6 (1914) 417-418] [Italian,
Latin] Quaestiones de epistolis
pastoralibus Pauli apostoli, Questions regarding
the pastoral Letters of the Apostle Paul (June
12, 1913) [AAS 5 (1913) 292-293] [Italian,
Latin] Quaestiones de libro Actuum
Apostolorum, Questions regarding the Acts of the
Apostles (June 12, 1913) [AAS 5 (1913)
291-292] [Italian,
Latin] De quaestione synoptica,
Concerning the synoptic question (June 26, 1912)
[AAS 4 (1912) 465] [Italian,
Latin] Quaestiones de evangeliis secundum
Marcum et secundum Lucam, On the Gospels according
to Mark and Luke (June 26, 1912) [AAS 4
(1912) 463-465] [Italian,
Latin] Quaestiones de evangelio secundum
Matthaeum, On the Gospel according to Matthew
(June 19, 1911) [AAS 3 (1911) 294-296] [Italian,
Latin] De examinibus coram Pontificia
Commissione Biblica subeundis, Regarding the
evaluation of candidates for academic titles in Sacred Scripture (May 24,
1911) [AAS 3 (1911) 47-50] [Latin] De auctoribus et de tempore compositionis Psalmorum,
Regarding the authorship and times of the composition of the Psalms (May
1st, 1910) [AAS 2 (1910) 354] [Italian,
Latin] De charactere historico trium
priorum capitum Geneseos, Concerning the historical
nature of the first three chapters of Genesis (June 30, 1909)
[AAS 1 (1909) 567-569] [Italian,
Latin] De organo officiali Pontificiae
Commissionis de re biblica, Regarding the official
body of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (February
15, 1909) [AAS 1 (1909) 241] [Italian,
Latin] De libri Isaiae indole et auctore,
On the nature and authorship of the book of Isaiah (June 28, 1908)
[ASS 41 (1908) 613] [Italian,
Latin] De quarto evangelio, On the
authorship and historical truth of the fourth Gospel (May 29, 1907)
[ASS 40 (1907) 383] [Italian,
Latin] De mosaica authentia Pentateuchi,
On the authenticity of the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch (June 27,
1906) [ASS 39 (1906) 377] [Italian,
Latin] De narrationibus specietenus
tantum historicis, Concerning only apparently
historical narratives (June 23, 1905) [ASS
38 (1905-06) 124] [Italian,
Latin] Circa citationes implicitas in S.
Scriptura contentas, On implied citations contained
in Sacred Scripture (February 13, 1905)
[ASS 37 (1904-05) 666] [Italian,