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Il Rettore dell’Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in udienza da Papa Francesco

Questa mattina, lunedì 12 agosto, Papa Francesco ha ricevuto in udienza il Rettore dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, la professoressa Elena Beccalli, alla guida dell’Ateneo dal 1° luglio scorso. Diversi i temi affrontati nel colloquio, molti dei quali incentrati sul mondo universitario e sulla questione dell’emergenza educativa.

Profonda e immensa la gratitudine espressa dalla professoressa Beccalli, che ha ringraziato il Santo Padre per la Sua costante vicinanza all’Ateneo dei cattolici italiani, dalla sua fondazione al servizio della società e della Chiesa italiana e universale. Un Ateneo che, rinnovandosi costantemente, è impegnato ad accompagnare e sostenere le nuove generazioni in una formazione universitaria integrale dentro una realtà in radicale trasformazione. Un Ateneo che, valorizzando la dimensione di comunità, continua a interrogarsi sul senso di essere università oggi, in particolare università cattolica, illuminato da uno spirito che è nello stesso tempo libero e orientato alla ricerca della verità.

La professoressa Beccalli ha illustrato a Sua Santità le molteplici progettualità che l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore si propone di mettere in atto nei suoi cinque campus – Milano, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona e Roma – per proporre un contributo di pensiero sulle questioni di frontiera in una prospettiva globale.


The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis

This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Universit. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.

Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.

Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Universit. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.





The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.






The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.



The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.

The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.

The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.

The Rector of Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli in an audience with Pope Francis



This morning, Monday 12 August, Pope Francis received the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, leading the University since last 1 July. Various topics were addressed in the conversation, many of which centred on the university world and the issue of the educational emergency.


Prof. Beccalli expressed profound and immense gratitude, thanking the Holy Father for his constant closeness to the University of Italian Catholics, since its foundation at the service of society and of the Italian and universal Church. An Athenaeum that, constantly renewing itself, is committed to accompanying and supporting the new generations in an integral university education within a radically changing reality. An Athenaeum that, nurturing the community dimension, continues to question the meaning of being a university today, particularly a Catholic university, enlightened by a spirit that is both free and oriented towards the search for truth.


Professor Beccalli illustrated to His Holiness the many projects that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to implement on its five campuses ‒ Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome ‒ in order to propose a contribution of thought on frontier issues in a global perspective.