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Telegramma del Santo Padre, a firma del Cardinale Segretario di Stato, per le vittime degli attentati avvenuti a Baghdad (Repubblica d’Iraq), 21.01.2021

Pubblichiamo di seguito il telegramma di cordoglio per le vittime degli attentati avvenuti questa mattina a Baghdad, inviato a nome del Santo Padre Francesco, dal Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin al Presidente della Repubblica d’Iraq, S.E. il Signor Barham Salih:


His Excellency Barham Salih
President of the Republic of Iraq

His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the bomb attacks on Tayaran Square in Baghdad this morning. In deploring this senseless act of brutality, he prays for the deceased victims and their families, for the injured and for the emergency personnel in attendance. Trusting that all will continue work to overcome violence with fraternity, solidarity and peace, Pope Francis invokes upon the nation and its people the blessing of the Most High.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State

[00083-EN.01] [Original text: English]

