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Sala Stampa

Rinunce e nomine, 06.08.2020

Rinuncia del Vescovo di New Ulm (U.S.A.)

Nomina del Vicario Apostolico di Alessandria di Egitto

Nomina di Membri del Consiglio per l’Economia

Rinuncia del Vescovo di New Ulm (U.S.A.)

Il Santo Padre ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale della Diocesi di New Ulm (U.S.A.), presentata da Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Monsignor John Marvin LeVoir.


Nomina del Vicario Apostolico di Alessandria di Egitto

Il Santo Padre ha nominato Vicario Apostolico di Alessandria di Egitto il P. Claudio Lurati, M.C.C.I., finora Economo Generale della Congregazione dei Missionari Comboniani del Cuore di Gesù.

Curriculum vitae

S.E. Mons. Claudio Lurati è nato il 21 febbraio 1962 a Como (Italia), dove ha concluso gli studi liceali. È entrato poi nella Congregazione dei Missionari Comboniani del Cuore di Gesù, dove ha intrapreso gli studi di Filosofia e Teologia e nel 1985 ha emesso i voti temporanei. Ha conseguito il Baccalaureato con l’Università Urbaniana a Nairobi (Kenya), e il 27 marzo 1989 ha emesso i voti perpetui.

È stato ordinato sacerdote il 23 settembre 1989 a Lipomo (Como).

Ha completato la sua formazione con un corso sull’Amministrazione dei Beni organizzato dall’organizzazione intercongregazionale C.N.E.C. Per i primi anni di sacerdozio si è dedicato alla stampa missionaria, mentre nel 1995 è stato inviato nell’attuale Sud-Sudan e da lì in Egitto, dove ha svolto il ministero parrocchiale fino alla nomina a Vice Superiore della Delegazione dei Missionari Comboniani nel 1999, diventandone poi Superiore dal 2002 al 2007. Al presente svolge il compito di Economo Generale della sua Congregazione.


Nomina di Membri del Consiglio per l’Economia

Il Santo Padre ha annoverato tra i Membri del Consiglio per l'Economia gli Em.mi Signori Cardinali: Péter Erdő, Arcivescovo di Esztergom-Budapest; Odilo Pedro Scherer, Arcivescovo di São Paulo; Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Arcivescovo di Québec; Joseph William Tobin, Arcivescovo di Newark; Anders Arborelius, Vescovo di Stockholm; e Giuseppe Petrocchi, Arcivescovo de L'Aquila; e gli Ill.mi/e Signori/e: Prof. Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof, Dott. Eva Castillo Sanz, Dott. Leslie Jane Ferrar, Marija Kolak, Dott. Alberto Minali, Dott. María Concepción Osákar Garaicoechea, e l'On. Ruth Maria Kelly.

Brevi cenni biografici dei nuovi Membri laici del Consiglio per l’Economia

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof (Germany)

Studied Law at the University of Heidelberg, Genf and Tubingen. Since 2016 Professor of German and Foreign Public Law, International and European Law in the Faculty of Jurisprudence, Heinrich-Heine University Dusseldorf. Chairperson of the Hildegaris Association, a movement of Catholic women in Germany supporting female students in need.


Marija Kolak (Germany)

Has had a distinguished career with the Berliner Volksbank in which she held various positions. Took the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School, Boston USA. She is presently President of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken, Berlin. Is married, with three children.


Maria Concepcion Osacar Garaicoechea (Spain)

Born in Lecaroz, Navarra, Spain, she is the founding partner of the Azora Group and President of the Board of Azora Capital and Azora Gestion, SGIIC. Azora is an independent inveestment manager based in Spain, specializing on real assets and energy. Trustee of the ICO Foundation (Official credit Institute), member of the Governing Board of APD (Association of management progress). Member of the Advisory Board of Think Tank Institucion Futuro. Previously Vice President of Santander Central Hispanico Activos Immobiliarios and President of Banif Immobiliaria as well as President of INVERCO (Association of Collective Investment Institutions and Pension Funds) and a member of the Board of Banca Civica. She has a degree in law from the University Autonoma de Madrid, an MBA from IE and PDG IESE fromn the University of Navarra. Married with two daughters.


Eva Castillo Sanz (Spain)

Obtained a Degree in Law and Business Studies from the Pontifical University of Comillas (E-3) in Madrid, Spain Currently sits on the Board of Directors of Bankia S.A; the Board of Directors of Zardoya Otis S.A; and the Board of Trustees of Fundación Comillas-ICAI and Fundación Entreculturas. Previously served in the following positions: member of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A; President of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland Holding, AG; member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Telefónica; President and CEO of Telefónica Europa; member of the Executive Committee of Telefónica, S.A; and President of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s. Acted as Independent Director of Visa Europe Limited and Old Mutual, Plc., as well as Director of Merrill Lynch Private Banking for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); and President of Merrill Lynch Spain and Portugal.


Ruth Mary Kelly (Great Britain)

She served in the Labour Government between 2004-2008 as the Secretary of State for Education and then joined HSBC Global Asset Management as Global Head of Client Strategy. She presently holds the position of Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham in south-west London.


Lesile Jane Ferrar (Great Britain)

A Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, she was Treasurer to Charles, Prince of Wales, from January 2015 until July 2017. She was educated at Harvard Business Scvhool and the University of Durham. On leaving the Royal Household she has taken on a number of Non Executive and Trustee roles.


Alberto Minali (Italy)

Born in Verona in 1965 with a Laurea from the Bocconi in Political Economy as well as specializing at the University of Yale and Brandeis University, Boston. Has held the position of Director General and Chief Investment Financial Officer of the ‘Gruppo Generali’ and Chief Investment Officer of the Eurizon Group. Former CEO of the Gruppo Cattolica Assicurazioni.


