Pubblichiamo di seguito il Messaggio che il Santo Padre Francesco ha inviato ai partecipanti all’Incontro dei Presidenti delle Commissioni Dottrinali delle Conferenze Episcopali dell’Asia con una Delegazione della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede che ha luogo a Bangkok, in Thailandia, dal 15 al 18 gennaio 2019:
Messaggio del Santo Padre
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate,
On the occasion of the meeting of the Presidents of Doctrinal Commissions of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, taking place in Bangkok from 15 to18 January 2019 with the participation of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I cordially send you my fraternal greetings.
You gather together from across this vast continent that is marked by religious, linguistic and cultural diversity, in order to reaffirm our common responsibility for the unity and integrity of the Catholic faith and to explore new ways and methods of bearing witness to the Gospel amid the challenges of our contemporary world.
In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, I invited the whole Church “to go forth”. I am pleased that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is actively supporting the important work of the Episcopal Conferences and especially of their Doctrinal Commissions, as they assist and foster the effective and fraternal cooperation among the Pastors of the Church in Asia.
Praying that this meeting may offer an opportunity to address the concerns of the Gospel that are specific and relevant to Asia, to all those taking part I gladly impart my blessing.
From the Vatican, 10 January 2019.
[00066-EN.02] [Original text: English]