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Interventi del Segretario di Stato alla Conferenza Intergovernativa sulla migrazione a Marrakech (Marocco, 11 dicembre 2018), 11.12.2018

Intervento del Cardinale Pietro Parolin al Secondo Dialogo della Conferenza

Intervento del Cardinale Pietro Parolin all’evento di commemorazione del 70° anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo

Pubblichiamo di seguito gli interventi che il Capo della Delegazione della Santa Sede, il Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin, ha pronunciato oggi, nel corso del Secondo Dialogo “Partnerships and innovative initiatives for the way forward”, alla Conferenza intergovernativa sul tema: Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in corso a Marrakech (Marocco) dal 10 all’11 dicembre 2018:

Intervento del Cardinale Pietro Parolin al Secondo Dialogo della Conferenza

Mr. Chair,

In this dialogue, dedicated to partnerships and innovative initiatives for the way forward, the Holy See would like to focus on three main points: the composition of partnerships, strategic approach, and innovative action.

To achieve the declared objective to make migration work for all, it is crucial to clarify the roles to be played by the different actors or stakeholders, so as to promote shared and balanced responsibilities. The partnerships necessary to implement successfully the vision of the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration should include national and local institutions, the private sector, trade unions, civil society, academia, migrants and diaspora groups. Among the non-governmental actors, the Holy See would like to highlight the special role of faith-based organizations, which have proven themselves especially effective in providing locally-tailored support to migrants in vulnerable situations. Moreover, faith-based organizations also address the spiritual needs of migrants, aiming at promoting their integral human development. The work of faith-based organizations should be properly acknowledged and effectively encouraged by the responsible authorities. Clearly, while religions and faith-based organizations offer their contributions in a manner suited to their particular nature and mission, they are the “first responders” in those areas of need, including migration.

To be effective and sustainable, any action undertaken to make migration work for all depends necessarily on the engagement of migrants themselves. In this context, the Holy See calls for greater participation of migrants in formulating and implementing those policies, programmes and innovative initiatives that concern them. Such participation should be promoted at all levels, both individually and collectively, and institutionalized whenever possible, so as to provide regular and official avenues of effective partnership with institutions.

Mr. Chair,

The Holy See shares the Global Compact’s guiding principles on a whole-of-government and a whole-of-society approach. In this regard, it is worth remembering that the deeper root of these whole approaches is the priority of the human person, its inalienable dignity and integral development, which is the real aspiration of every human being.

As Pope Francis underlines, “While it is true that migrations often reveal failures and shortcomings on the part of States and the international community, they also point to the aspiration of humanity to enjoy a unity marked by respect for differences, by attitudes of acceptance and hospitality which enable an equitable sharing of the world’s goods, and by the protection and the advancement of the dignity and centrality of each human being.”[1]

For this strategic orientation to be effective, it is essential to adopt an inclusive approach in addressing migrants’ needs. Accordingly, a fair percentage of the direct assistance and services provided to migrants should be devoted to the benefit of local families experiencing similar economic and social disadvantages, so that no one is left behind.

Mr. Chair,

Among all the actions envisioned by the Global Compact, the Holy See would like to highlight a few which correspond fairly well to the four verbs that the Holy Father chose to summarise the pastoral action of the Church in the migration context: to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate.

Under the heading ‘welcome’ one could mention the commitment to ensure fair and ethical recruitment of migrants, including young people, to undertake decent work. ‘To protect’ could be translated into defending migrants’ rights and dignity in all phases of their migration experience. ‘To promote’ would mean ensuring migrants’ access to employment, fostering their skills development, and empowering them to contribute to sustainable development in their communities both of destination and of origin. Finally, ‘integration’ may be achieved by fostering the social and financial inclusion of migrants, but also by promoting mutual enrichment between local communities and newcomers.

New technologies applied to migration governance might be very innovative, effective and helpful for greater cooperation among actors. Nonetheless, they should be adopted in full respect of people’s dignity and rights, always ensuring their full knowledge and consent.

The International Migration Review Forum and related regional and national processes need to be effective tools for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Global Compact. The success of such mechanisms depends totally on the level of engagement of all actors. The Holy See reaffirms its commitment to be involved in such processes.

To raise awareness of the Global Compact, it is crucial to engage media at every level. Considering the essential connection between the Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), the awareness-raising activities should adopt an integrated approach so that migrant issues may be understood as an integral part of the SDGs.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.


[1] Pope Francis, Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2014.

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Intervento del Cardinale Pietro Parolin all’evento di commemorazione del 70° anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo

Excellencies and distinguished guests,

The Holy See is pleased to take part in this commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) whose preamble reminds us that the “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”[1].

The Global Compact affirms that migration should never be an act of desperation. In many countries of origin, however, individuals feel forced to flee whether due to conflict, violence, environmental degradation, human rights violations, or the inability to secure a dignified life for one’s family. We should do our best to ensure that people might remain in their countries of origin, by building more inclusive, sustainable and just societies, minimizing the adverse drivers and structural factors that deny people their fundamental human rights and compel them to leave.

In countries of transit and destination, every person has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to have access to basic social services. Similarly, when States determine individuals need to be returned, it should be done in full respect for the principle of non-refoulement and the right to family life and unity. These are guarantees also for the common good of society and all of its members.

Dear friends,

As Pope Francis has recently reminded us, “[t]he just appeal to the rights of each human being must take into account the fact that every individual is part of a greater body. Our societies too, like every human body, enjoy good health if each member makes his or her own contribution in the awareness that it is at the service of the common good.”[2] Let this continue to be our contribution as we recommit ourselves today to the realization of the ideals set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Thank you.


[1] Preamble, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

[2] Pope Francis, Address to the Members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See for the Traditional Exchange of New Year’s Greetings (8 January 2018).

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