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Conferenza Stampa per la Canonizzazione della Beata Teresa di Calcutta, 02.09.2016

Prossimi eventi

Intervento di P. Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C.

A due giorni dalla Canonizzazione della Beata Madre Teresa di Calcutta, si tiene questa mattina alle ore 11.30 nella Sala Stampa della Santa Sede una conferenza stampa alla quale prendono parte:

- Sr. Mary Prema Pierick, M.C., Superiora Generale delle Missionarie della Carità. È la terza Superiora generale delle Missionarie della Carità, dopo la fondatrice Madre Teresa e dopo Suor Nirmala;

- P. Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C., Superiore Generale dei Padri Missionari della Carità, Postulatore della Causa di canonizzazione di Madre Teresa di Calcutta;

- Marcílio Haddad Andrino, dal Brasile, miracolato per intercessione della Beata Teresa di Calcutta; è accompagnato dalla moglie Fernanda Nascimento Rocha;

- Stefano D’Agostini, Direttore del Centro Televisivo Vaticano.


Prossimi eventi

Sabato 3 settembre, alle ore 10:30: Udienza Giubilare in piazza San Pietro. Catechesi del Santo Padre per il mondo del volontariato e gli operatori di Misericordia.

Domenica 4 settembre, alle 10:30 in piazza San Pietro: Santa Messa celebrata da Papa Francesco con il Rito di Canonizzazione della Beata Teresa di Calcutta

Libretto della cerimonia:

Lunedì 5 settembre, per la prima volta si celebra la Festa di Santa Teresa di Calcutta. Alle ore 10 il Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin preside la Santa Messa in Piazza San Pietro.

Altre informazioni sul Sito ufficiale


Progetto “IO C’ERO”

In occasione della Canonizzazione di Madre Teresa di Calcutta, la Segreteria per la Comunicazione realizzerà, in collaborazione con MC360PHOTO, il progetto “IO C’ERO”, una ripresa panoramica ad altissima risoluzione di Piazza San Pietro che, dalla visione generale dell’intera piazza colma di fedeli, consentirà di zoomare sul volto di ogni singolo partecipante.
Si potrà navigare, dal giorno successivo la cerimonia, visitando il sito


On the occasion of the Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the Secretariat for Communications will implement, in cooperation with MC360PHOTO, the project "I WAS THERE", a very high resolution panoramic shot of St. Peter's Square that from the general view of the entire square full of faithful, will allow to zoom in on the face of each participant.
It will be ready from the day after the ceremony, visiting the website


Con ocasión de la Canonización de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, la Secretaría para la Comunicación implementará, en cooperación con MC360PHOTO, el proyecto “YO ESTUVE ALLÍ”, una foto panorámica de altísima resolución de la plaza de San Pedro que, partiendo de la visión completa de la plaza repleta de fieles, permitirá hacer zoom sobre el rostro de cada participante.
Se podrá visitar, desde el día después de la ceremonia, visitando la web



Intervento di P. Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C.

Lessons from Mother Teresa:

She's the perfect Saint for the Year of Mercy

Mother Teresa was so aware of her need for mercy before God. She was very much at home with her own poverty.

The Year of Mercy is first of all a reminder to all of us that before God we all stand in need of mercy; so in this we are all poor; we stand as a beggar in need of his love, of his forgiveness – of his mercy.

This is Mother Teresa's message: Calcutta is everywhere

As Mother Teresa, we can call this reality of our interior poverty the “Calcutta of the heart”, and indeed, the “Calcutta of my own heart!” Mother Teresa used to say: “Calcutta is everywhere.”

Forgive and (truly) forget

She was always ready to show mercy and forgiveness to others.

“We need lots of love to forgive and we need lots of humility to forget, because it is not complete forgiveness unless we forget also. And not forgetting, very often we say we have forgiven but we cannot forget. And as long as we cannot forget, we really have not forgiven fully.”

Regular confession

For Mother Teresa it was not a matter of habit or routine, but of meeting the mercy and love of God each time anew.

God's love for sinners

The devil hates God. And that hatred in action is destroying us. Making us commit sin, making us share in that evil. … So that we too share in that hatred and [this] cuts us off from God. But there is where the wonderful mercy of God comes. … And this is what the devil hates in God, that tenderness and love of God for the sinner”.

Dark night

Among other things that it means, this also explains why Mother Teresa had such a great capacity for mercy. The experience of darkness compelled her to depend continuously on the mercy of the Lord, and therefore to be always ready to show mercy to others.

Mother Teresa said “yes” to the darkness, which was a terrible way to suffer for someone who loved god so deeply

I have come to love the darkness – for I believe now that it is a part a very, very small part of Jesus darkness & pain on earth. [You have taught me to accept it [as] a “spiritual side of ‘your work’ as you wrote -] Today really I felt a deep joy – that Jesus can’t go anymore through the agony - but that He wants to go through it in me - More than ever I surrender myself to Him - Yes - more than ever I will be at His disposal.

In this “yes” of Mother Teresa there is all her holiness and all of our Christian faith: all of what is asked of us to do and all of what we can do. Jesus does the rest.

Mother Teresa is a Saint for everyone

Precisely because she was able to share the suffering of Jesus, she understood that she was loved in a special way by God.

Mother Teresa is a Saint for everyone, for the poor and the rich, and for our time, devastated by so much violence and aridity of heart, because she has shown that the evil/misery that we all carry within us, can be forgiven and that, grasping the merciful and secure hand that Jesus extends to us, our darknesses can be overcome.

[01382-EN.01] [Original text: English]

