Il cordoglio del Santo Padre per le vittime dell’attentato terroristico avvenuto ad Iskanderiyah (Iraq), 27.03.2016
Pubblichiamo di seguito il messaggio di cordoglio del Santo Padre – a firma del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin – per le vittime dell’attentato terroristico avvenuto venerdì nello stadio di Iskanderiyah (Iraq), costato la vita a più di 40 persone:
Saddened by the news of the great loss of life caused by the terrorist attack in Iskanderiyah, His Holiness Pope Francis offers fervent prayers for the victims and their families, invoking God’s mercy upon the dead and divine consolation upon those who suffer. He prays that in response to this act of senseless violence the Iraqi people will be strengthened in their resolve to reject the ways of hatred and conflict and to work together fearlessly for a future of mutual respect, solidarity and freedom.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
[00471-EN.02] [Original text: English]