Il cordoglio del Santo Padre per le vittime dell’attentato terroristico ad Ankara, 14.03.2016
Pubblichiamo di seguito il messaggio di cordoglio del Santo Padre – a firma del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin – per le vittime dell’attentato terroristico avvenuto ieri pomeriggio ad Ankara (Turchia):
His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
President of the Republic of Turkey
Deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the bombing in Ankara, His Holiness Pope Francis assures the Turkish people of his spiritual closeness and solidarity. He prays for the eternal rest of those who have died and for all who mourn their loss, as well as for the recovery of those affected by this heinous act of violence. Mindful of the generous service being rendered by security and emergency personnel, His Holiness invokes the divine blessings of peace, healing and strength upon the nation.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
[00403-EN.01] [Original text: English]