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XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (4 - 25 October 2015) – Logistical information, 03.10.2015

Update: 4 October 2015

1. Theme

The Holy Father Francis has convoked the XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the theme “The vocation and the mission of the family in the Church and the contemporary world”, to be held in the Vatican from Sunday 4 to Sunday 25 October 2015 in the New Synod Hall.

2. Accreditation for journalists, photographers, correspondents and TV crews

2.1 Temporary accreditation may be granted to journalists and media operators not permanently accredited at the Holy See Press Office and sent to cover the XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

2.2 Accreditation methods are indicated on the Holy See Press Office website under the heading “Accreditation”:

2.3 Accreditation will be valid from 03/10/2015 to 25/10/2015 and refers specifically to the possibility of access to the Holy See Press Office for the purpose of using the working area in the Press Office dedicated to the media and to follow eventual press conferences and briefings scheduled for the aforementioned period.

2.4 To attend specific events or celebrations during the period of validity of accreditation it is necessary to apply at the Accreditation and Authorisations Office of the Holy See Press Office (, indicating the event or ceremony in question with at least 48 hours’ notice prior to the event or ceremony, specifying the day and time, and the relevant accredited personnel who wish to attend.

2.5 For the calendar of events or celebrations to be held during the period 03/10/2015 to 25/10/2015, please consult the website at

2.6 For journalists and media operators with ordinary accreditation, the usual conditions apply for requests to attend events and ceremonies at which a press presence is expected.

2.7 Temporary permits requested in accordance with the procedures indicated in point 2.2 will be available from Friday 2 October 2015 from 09.00.

2.8 All accredited personnel must wear their access permit in full view in the Press Office; the same applies to staff with ordinary/permanent accreditation.

3. Conditions for access and accreditation at specific events and ceremonies

3.1 On the days 4 and 25/10/2015, on the occasion of the opening and concluding celebrations of the XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, to take place inside the Basilica, it will be possible to take video footage and photographs (no interviews or stand-up) throughout the ceremonies from the press stands only.

3.2 In the days 4 and 25/10/2015, after the celebrations, it will be possible to take stand-up and video footage and photographs (no interviews) in St. Peter’s Square (but not in the Basilica).

3.3 On the days 04/10/2015 and 25/10/2015, from 08:30, for ALL accredited journalists and media operators a meeting point in the area in front of the Paul VI Hall with access via the Petriano gate (see map attached). Journalists and media operators will subsequently be accompanied to the press stands within the Basilica (see map attached) by the competent staff. After 09:30 it will no longer be possible to gain access to the press places. Priority access to press seats in the basilica is reserved to audiovisual operators (photo, video and sound) with ORDINARY accreditation, then to audiovisual operators (photo, video and sound) with TEMPORARY accreditation, and finally to all others. For those to whom access is not granted, it will be possible to follow the celebration on the screens in the Holy See Press Office.

3.4 On 18/10/2015, on the occasion of the Holy Mass and Canonisation of Blesseds Vincenzo Grossi, Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Louis Martin and Marie-Azelie Guérin, press access to the area of St. Peter’s Square, where the Holy Mass will be held, will be via the end of the left colonnade (see map attached).

3.5 On 18/10/2015, before the Celebration, stand-up and video and photographic shooting (no interviews) will be possible in St. Peter’s Square until 09.15. At 09.30 all personnel must be present at the press stand on the terrace of the “Braccio di Carlo Magno” (see map attached).

3.6 On 18/10/2015, during the Celebration, video and photographic shooting (no interviews) will be possible throughout the ceremony exclusively from the terrace of the “Braccio di Carlo Magno”; stand-up will be permitted in the appropriate reserved areas on the same terrace.

3.7 On 18/10/2015, after the Celebration, stand-up and video and photographic shooting (no interviews) will be possible in St. Peter’s Square.

3.8 In the entire area of St. Peter’s Square and inside the Basilica the shooting of live footage with digital or analogue cameras with radio or wireless systems or live transmission of events by any means are not permitted.

4. Opening hours of the Holy See Press Office

4.1 For the period of the Synod, the Holy See Press Office will observe the following opening hours:


9:00 - 16:00


9:00 - 15:00

SUN 04/10/2015

9:00 - 13:00

SUN 11/10/2015

11:00 - 13:00

SUN 18/10/2015

9:00 - 13:00

SUN 25/10/2015

9:00 - 13:00

4.2 The staff of the Accreditation and Authorisations Office will be available (at the entrance, on the right):


11:00 – 14:00

4.3 Eventual changes will be communicated as soon as possible via the notice board for journalists in the Press Office, in the Bulletin and in the reserved area of the Holy See Press Office website.

5. Press Conferences / Briefings

5.1 The General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, will hold a Briefing to provide information on the theme and method of the XIV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, on Friday 2 October at 11.30 in the John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office.

5.2 Throughout the Synod, from Monday to Saturday (except in the case of communications to the contrary) press conferences or briefings with the Synod Fathers will be held in the John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office at 13.00, open to accredited journalists, photographers, correspondents and TV operators. (Simultaneous translation will be provided in Italian, English, Spanish and French).

6. Opening Prayer of the General Congregations

6.1 It will be possible for accredited journalists and media operators in small groups to have access to the Synod Hall for the morning and afternoon opening prayers of the General Congregations, on the following days:

05 OCT



06 OCT



09 and 10 OCT



14, 15 and 16 OTT



20 OCT



22 OCT



24 OCT



6.2 Requests to attend the Prayer must be made at the Accreditation and Authorisations Office of the Holy See Press Office ( at least 48 hours in advance for the POOL requested.

6.3 Attendees at the Prayer are requested to assemble at 08.30 (morning) or at 16:00 (afternoon) on the day agreed, in the Media Centre outside the Paul VI Hall, from where they will be accompanied by an official of the Holy See Press Office.

7. Direct Coverage

7.1  Live coverage of the following events will be broadcast on the monitors in the Press Office:

4 OCT (10.00)
Solemn inauguration of the Synod with the celebration of Holy Mass (St. Peter’s Basilica)

5 OCT (09:00)
Part of the First General Congregation (address by the General Secretary and the General Rapporteur)

17 OCT (09:00)
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Synod of Bishops

18 OCT (10.00)
Holy Mass and Canonisation of Blesseds Vincenzo Grossi, Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Louis Martin and Marie-Azelie Guérin (St. Peter’s Square)

25 OCT (10.00)
Solemn Celebration of Holy Mass to conclude the Synod (St. Peter’s Basilica)

8. Area for interviews and meetings with the Synod Fathers

8.1 The Accreditation and Authorisations Office of the Holy See Press Office is available for transmission to the Synod Fathers of messages or requests, which can be delivered in an envelope to the Front Desk (at the entrance of the Holy See Press Office on the right), in Via della Conciliazione, 54.

8.2  In the Minor Hall of the Augustinianum (Via Paolo VI n.25), an area will be made available for meetings and interviews with the Synod Fathers, by appointment, from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00.

9. Working area in the Holy See Press Office

9.1  A number of personal computers equipped with internet connection are available in the working area of the Holy See Press Office.

9.2  WIFI connection is available in the Holy See Press Office; the network does not support the transmission of large (video and photo) files.

10. Information Service

10.1  A web portal dedicated to information on the Synod is active at

10.2 The Holy See Press Office Twitter account @HolySeePress will provide specific information on the Synod (press conferences, briefings, ceremonies) in Italian, English and Spanish, with the hashtag #Synod15.

11. Other Information

11.1 The Documento preparatorio and the Instrumentum laboris for the XIV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops can be consulted on the Holy See website at:

11.2 Other information regarding the provisions for accredited journalists will be duly communicated in the Holy See Press Office Bulletin.

11.3 All journalists and media operators are reminded that in order to follow the events and liturgical celebrations they shall be required to dress in suitable attire (dark suit for men and equivalent for women).

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