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Il Santo Padre Francesco ha istituito la Pontificia Commissione per la Tutela dei Minori, che era stata annunciata in data 5 dicembre 2013, e ha chiamato a farvi parte:

Dott.ssa Catherine Bonnet (Francia)

Sg.ra Marie Collins (Irlanda)

Prof.ssa Sheila Hollins (Regno Unito) Card. Seán Patrick O'Malley, OFM Cap. (Stati Uniti)

Prof. Claudio Papale (Italia)

Her Excellency Hanna Suchocka (Polonia) Humberto Miguel Yáñez, SJ (Argentina) Hans Zollner, SJ (Germania)

Compito principale delle suddette persone sarà di preparare gli Statuti della Commissione, i quali ne definiranno le competenze e le funzioni. La medesima Commissione verrà successivamente integrata da altri membri, scelti nelle varie aree geografiche del mondo.



The Holy Father Francis has instituted the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, which was announced on Dec. 5, 2013, and called to be a part of it:

Dr. Catherine Bonnet (France)

Mrs. Marie Collins (Ireland)

Prof. the Baroness Sheila Hollins (United Kingdom)

Card. Sean Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap (U.S.)

Prof. Claudio Papale (Italy)

Her Excellency Hanna Suchocka (Poland)

Rev. Humberto Miguel Yañez, SJ (Argentina)

Rev. Hans Zollner, SJ (Germany)

Their principal role will be to prepare the Statutes of the Commission, which will define its tasks and competencies. Other members will be added to the Commission in the future, chosen from various geographical areas of the world.

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Di seguito riportiamo i cenni biografici dei Membri della Commissione:

[The biographies of the members are published below.]

Catherine Bonnet

Catherine Bonnet was born in France and is divorced with two children. She was a consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, and a psychotherapist in psychoanalysis in France (1974-2002) and in the UK (2004-2007). She is also a researcher on perinatal violence and neglect, and the author of four books (on adoption, prevention of child abandonment , neonaticide, and child sexual abuse). She has also reported on pregnancy as a result of rape during war (Bosnia and Rwanda). Bonnet received the support of the Review Committee of the World Psychiatric Association for her involvement against child sexual abuse, and has been campaigning for training physicians to detect child sexual abuse in children. She is working to implement mandatory reporting legislation for physicians in France. In 2001 she receieved the Chevalier dans l’Ordre de la Légion d’honneur, a French knighthood.

Marie Collins

Marie Collins was born in Dublin, Ireland and is married with one son. She is a founder Trustee of the Marie Collins Foundation, a UK NGO dedicated to the needs of children, young people and their families for whom sexual abuse and harm has arisen via the internet and mobile technologies. Marie was a victim of sexual abuse as a child in the 1960's and brought the priest who abused her to justice in 1997. She has campaigned actively for the protection of children, justice for survivors of clerical sexual abuse, and for a better understanding of the effects of sexual abuse on children and in 2010 Marie was one of the joint recipients of the Irish Humbert Summer School award for Courage. Marie was a founding member of the Irish depression support group "Aware" in 1985 and ran their voluntary "Helpline" for many years, and she is founding Trustee of the Advocacy and Counselling support group for abuse survivors, One in Four (Ireland).  She assisted the Archdiocese of Dublin in setting up their Child Protection Service and drafting of the Catholic Church's all-Ireland child protection policy, "Our Children Our Church."

Sheila Hollins

Professor the Baroness Hollins was born in England and is married, with two children. Sheila is a life peer in the House of Lords, Chair of the Board of Science of the British Medical Association, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry of Disability at St George's University of London, and Honorary Professor in Theology and Religion at the University of Durham. She is a specialist in mental health and has conducted extensive research into clinical and social aspects of the mental and physical health of people with learning disabilities, with a particular focus on bereavement, palliative care and sexual abuse. Sheila has also served as Chair of the World Health Organisation’s Euro Steering Group (2008), President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (2005-2008) and President of the British Medical Association (2012-2013).

Seán Cardinal O'Malley, OFM Cap.

Cardinal O'Malley was born in Ohio and a member of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Cardinal Seán is Archbishop of Boston, a member of the Council of Cardinals, the Congregation for the Clergy, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and the Presidential Council of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The Cardinal holds a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese literature from the Catholic University of America, where he served as professor (1969-1973) and is presently a Trustee. He founded Centro Católico Hispano in Washington, DC, an organization which provided educational, medical and legal help to immigrants. Since his ordination to the episcopacy in 1984, the Cardinal has also served as the Bishop of the dioceses of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands; Fall River, Massachusetts; and Palm Beach, Florida. Cardinal Seán is well-known for his extensive efforts for the protection of children and was one of the Visitators for the Apostolic Visitation of dioceses and seminaries in Ireland (2010).

Claudio Papale

Claudio Papale è nato a Roma (Italia) ed è coniugato.  È Professore straordinario presso la Facoltà di diritto canonico della Pontificia Università Urbaniana ed ha il titolo di Avvocato civilista.  Ha conseguito la Laurea in Giurisprudenza presso la Seconda Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata e la Laurea in diritto canonico presso la Pontificia Università Urbaniana.  È anche Officiale della Sezione disciplinare della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede e Difensore del vincolo sostituto presso il Tribunale Regionale Pugliese.  Recentemente ha tenuto una Relazione su "Delitti contro la morale" presentata in occasione del Corso intensivo sui delitti riservati alla Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede svoltosi presso la Pontificia Università Urbaniana. 

Hanna Suchocka

Hanna Suchocka was born in Poland. Her Excellency is Professor, University of Poznan, Faculty of Law, a specialist in Constitutional Law, and author of numerous papers and scientific articles on themes regarding human rights. She is the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland (1992-1993), Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Poland (1997-2000), and Ambassador of Poland to the Holy See (2001-2013). She has received honorary degrees from Institut for Family at the Lateran University, Kardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw, and John Paul University in Krakow. Among many awards, Hanna has received the Max Schmidheimy Stiftung Peace Prize and the Gold Medal of the "Jean Monnet" Foundation (Lausanne) for her activity in favor of integration and human rights.

Humberto Miguel Yáñez, SJ

Gesuita argentino, nato a Mendoza nel 1956, ordinato sacerdote nel 1986, attualmente è Professore di Teologia Morale alla Facoltà di Teologia dell’Università Gregoriana e all’Urbaniana; Direttore del Dipartimento di Teologia Morale dell’Università Gregoriana. In Argentina è stato Direttore del Centro de Investigacion y Accion Social e Direttore della sua Rivista e ha insegnato alla Facoltà di Teologia di San Miguel, al Seminario Interdiocesano di Resistencia e al Seminario di Moron. Membro del Gruppo Teologico. Al Simposio sugli Abusi sessuali su Minori «Verso la Guarigione e il Rinnovamento» della Pontificia Università Gregoriana ha partecipato come membro del Gruppo Teologico.
Da studente gesuita si è formato con il P. Bergoglio, Rettore del Colegio Maximo di San Miguel e nella Parrocchia San José da lui fondata dove la sua attività pastorale si è indirizzata soprattutto ai giovani.

P. Hans Zollner, SJ

P. Hans Zollner, SJ, Dr. theol., was born in 1966 in Regensburg (Germany). He is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist, Academic Vice-Rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Director of the Institute of Psychology, and Chair of the Steering Committee of the "Centre for Child Protection" of the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Father Zollner was Chair of the organizing committee of the Symposium "Towards Healing and Renewal" on sexual abuse of minors which was held at Gregorian University in February 2012 and a member of the Scientific Working Group of the "Round Table on Child Abuse" of the Federal Government of Germany.


