DICHIARAZIONE DELL’EM.MO CARD. RENATO RAFFAELE MARTINO IN OCCASIONE DELL’ACQUISTO A LONDRA DELLA PRIMA DELLE OBBLIGAZIONI DELL’IFFIM (AIUTO FINANZIARIO INTERNAZIONALE PER LE VACCINAZIONI) Dando seguito ad un progetto presentato dal Cancelliere dello Scacchiere britannico Gordon Brown al Convegno promosso nel luglio 2004 dal Pontificio Consiglio della Giustizia e della Pace sul tema "Povertà e globalizzazione: finanziamenti per lo sviluppo", oggi a Londra vengono messe in vendita le obbligazioni (bonds) dell’IFFIM (International Financing Facility for Immunisation), la prima delle quali sarà acquistata dal Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio, Em.mo Card. Renato R. Martino a nome del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI.
Pubblichiamo di seguito la Dichiarazione dell’Em.mo Card. Renato R. Martino in occasione dell’acquisto oggi a Londra della prima delle obbligazioni dell’IFFIM:
In one of his statements focussing on the importance of sustainable development, Pope Benedict XVI tuned his attention to the situation of poverty in the world: "True world development, organized and integral, which everyone hopes for, requires ... an objective knowledge of human situations, the identification of the real causes of poverty and practical responses whose priority is the appropriate formation of each person and community. Thus, the authentic freedom and responsibility that are proper to human action will be put into practice."1
As they have been doing for many, many years, those living in extreme poverty continue to wait for those "effective practical measures to be put into practice".
They continue to look forward to the time when all those governments that, thirty six years ago, committed themselves to provide Official Development Assistance (ODA) with 0.7% of their gross national product, will honour their commitment and meet that goal.
People living in extreme poverty are waiting for the time when long term debt sustainability through the cancellation of 100 per cent of the official multilateral and bilateral debt of heavily indebted poor countries along with debt relief or restructuring for low and middle income developing countries will open the way for initiatives such as universal access to those goods that will satisfy the basic necessities of life and development such as drinkable water, safe sanitation, nutrition programmes, health care, education and adequate shelter as well as micro-credit, microfinance and employment opportunities. Included in this it is necessary to also speak of the importance of addressing armed conflicts, the results of which see countries and regions sliding backwards instead of making even limited progress. In fact, it has been said that armed conflict actually works to "reinforce poverty"2. That backwards slide continues also to be fuelled by the impact of malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
At the same time, people living in poverty are looking forward to the time when corruption at the various levels of government or in the social sector will no longer hinder opportunities for development from reaching all members of society. A government that is truly responsive to the needs of its people is not only a necessity for development - it should also be seen as a right.
Pope Benedict XVI believes that this is the time. This is why he has decided that the Holy See would participate in the International Finance Facility bond programme. His Holiness recognizes the need to quickly provide the funds in order to respond to poverty, hunger, the lack of educational and literacy opportunities and the ongoing fight against the scourge of malaria and the spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
It is my pleasure to thank Mr. Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has been the driving force behind this initiative. In July 2004, inspired by the IFF programme, his Ministry collaborated with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in organizing a meeting on "globalization and poverty". It was there that he reminded us that, "In the absence of finance, the Millennium Development Goals look like another set of promises set, reset and reset again and then only betrayed. So our goals demand urgent action, indeed sacrifice, from the world’s richest countries."
The Catholic Church consistently shows its deep concern for the needs of all, especially those living in poverty. It is the hope of Pope Benedict that the participation by the Church in this programme will help to inspire others to take the step toward concrete action.
In earmarking the use of this money exclusively for projects in line with the positions that the Holy See maintained during the various international and United Nations conferences throughout the 1990's, His Holiness is pleased to help light the way for others who might also wish to join him in empowering those living in poverty to take an active role in providing themselves and their family the opportunity to build a better life.
.Pope Benedict XVI Message to Mr. Jacques Diouf, Director General of FAO on the occasion of World Food Day 2005, 12 October 2005. 2.
United Nations Millennium Declaration, 8 September 2000, (19). [01573-02.01] [Original text: English]