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Alle ore 11 di questa mattina, nella Sala Clementina del Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano, il Santo Padre ha ricevuto in Udienza, in occasione della presentazione delle Lettere Credenziali, le Loro Eccellenze i Signori Ambasciatori di: Ciad, India, Capo Verde, Moldova e Australia.

Di seguito pubblichiamo i discorsi consegnati dal Papa agli Ambasciatori degli Stati sopra enunciati, nonché i cenni biografici essenziali di ciascuno:


Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,

Je suis heureux de souhaiter la bienvenue à Votre Excellence à l’occasion de la présentation des Lettres qui L’accréditent comme Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire du Tchad près le Saint-Siège.

Sensible à vos aimables paroles, je vous remercie des salutations cordiales que vous m’avez transmises de la part de Son Excellence Monsieur Idriss Deby Itno, Président de la République, ainsi que du Gouvernement et du peuple tchadiens. En retour, vous voudrez bien assurer Son Excellence le Président de la République des souhaits de bonheur et de prospérité que je forme pour sa personne et pour tous les Tchadiens, demandant au Tout-Puissant de garder la Nation dans la paix et dans la concorde.

Ainsi que vous l’avez souligné, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, votre pays est engagé dans la consolidation du processus démocratique. Il s’agit d’une démarche de longue haleine, qui nécessite en particulier l’acceptation par tous d’un certain nombre de valeurs, comme la dignité de la personne humaine, le respect des droits de l’homme, le bien commun comme fin et critère de régulation de la vie politique et sociale (cf. Compendium de la doctrine sociale de l’Église, n. 407). En effet, la personne humaine doit être au centre de toute la vie sociale. Les responsables de l’État et l’ensemble des Autorités civiles ont pour mission de servir les citoyens, en recherchant et en mettant en œuvre ce qui peut contribuer à la bonne marche de la société, selon les principes de la justice. Aussi est-il essentiel que la richesse produite par l’exploitation des ressources naturelles soit gérée de manière toujours plus transparente, afin qu’elle soit effectivement utilisée pour le développement intégral et solidaire de la population, et pour l’amélioration de ses conditions de vie.

En faisant allusion à la situation difficile que connait actuellement votre pays, vous avez souhaité, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, qu’une véritable paix s’y instaure de façon définitive. La paix est une aspiration profonde, présente au cœur de tout homme. Il est donc indispensable que tous se sentent engagés à la réaliser de manière authentique et durable, sur des bases solides et justes. Pour cela, le dialogue et la concertation entre toutes les parties concernées sont essentiels. Ils favorisent le bien commun de la nation, en évitant de recourir aux armes pour surmonter les différends, que la violence ne peut jamais régler. En effet, le dialogue est un acte de confiance en tout homme, qui porte en lui la capacité de dépasser les divisions, et c’est lorsque le dialogue n’existe pas que la paix est menacée.

L’Église catholique, quant à elle, consciente que l’engagement à édifier la paix et la justice fait partie de la mission qu’elle a reçue de son Fondateur, entend contribuer, par les moyens qui lui sont propres, à l’établissement et à la consolidation de la paix dans les sociétés et entre les peuples. Pour elle, une paix véritable n’est possible que par le dialogue fondé sur le pardon et la réconciliation, ainsi que sur le respect des droits de chacun. Toutefois, elle est aussi convaincue que cela n’exclut pas la nécessité de tenir compte des exigences de la justice et de la vérité, qui sont des conditions d’une authentique réconciliation.

Je souhaite donc vivement, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, que, dans votre pays, par un véritable dialogue entre toutes les parties concernées, cessent toutes les violences et arrive le temps de la réconciliation, afin de donner à tous les Tchadiens de vivre paisiblement et de construire ensemble une société toujours plus fraternelle et plus solidaire. Pour y parvenir, je souhaite aussi que tous les gouvernants de la région mettent au centre de leurs préoccupations une détermination ferme et assurée en faveur de la paix et de la justice pour le bien de leurs peuples et favorisent entre ceux-ci des relations de bon voisinage et de solidarité.

En cette circonstance solennelle, à travers votre personne, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, je voudrais aussi saluer la communauté catholique du Tchad, appréciant l’attention que vous portez à sa mission spirituelle et à son action dans la société. Avec ses Évêques elle témoigne généreusement de l’amour que les disciples du Christ doivent avoir pour tous. Je l’invite à demeurer unie autour de ses Pasteurs et à travailler ardemment à la réconciliation et à la paix.

Alors que vous inaugurez votre mission auprès du Saint-Siège, je vous offre mes vœux les meilleurs pour son heureux accomplissement. Soyez assuré qu’auprès de mes collaborateurs, vous trouverez toujours l’accueil attentif et la compréhension cordiale dont vous pourrez avoir besoin.

J’invoque de grand cœur sur Votre Excellence, sur ses collaborateurs, sur sa famille, sur le peuple tchadien et sur ses dirigeants, l’abondance des Bénédictions divines.

 S.E. il Signor Moukhtar Wawa Dahab

Ambasciatore del Ciad presso la Santa Sede

E’ nato il 14 febbraio 1950 a Mongo (Ciad).

E’ sposato ed ha cinque figli.

Ha conseguito la laurea in Farmacia (Rabat, 1977) ed una specializzazione in Management (Casablanca, 1981).

E’ stato Amministratore della Società farmaceutica del Ciad, della Banca per lo Sviluppo del Ciad e Direttore Generale della Centrale Farmaceutica per gli acquisti.

Ha ricoperto l’incarico di Ministro della Comunicazione e di Portavoce del Governo (2001-2004).

Dal 24 luglio 2004 è Ambasciatore a Parigi, ove risiede.

Parla l’arabo e il francese.

[00740-03.02] [Texte original: Français]


Your Excellency,

I am pleased to welcome you to the Vatican as you present the Letters by which you are accredited Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Holy See. I thank you most heartily for the greetings which you have brought me from the Indian Government and people, and I ask you kindly to convey my own greetings to President Abdul Kalam, together with the assurance of my prayers for the peace and prosperity of the nation and its citizens.

India’s ongoing efforts to build a democratic and free society are grounded in her conviction of the need to respect the variety of cultures, religions and ethnic groups which make up the nation and shape the aspirations of her sons and daughters. The Indian people are rightly proud of the stability of their political institutions, while at the same time recognizing the formidable challenges involved in promoting justice, combating all forms of violence and extremism, and establishing a climate of serene and respectful dialogue, cooperation and good will between the different components of their vast and diverse society. As the nation continues to enjoy significant economic growth, these democratic values should serve as the inspiration and the sure foundation for sound social policies aimed at enabling all citizens to share in this growth and to enjoy its benefits.

In this regard, I wish to assure you of the wish of India’s Catholic community to share fully in the life of the nation in a spirit of collaboration and concern for the common good. You have graciously acknowledged the contribution which the spiritual heirs of Saint Thomas the Apostle and Saint Francis Xavier have made to the growth of modern India, especially in the fields of education and human development. The Church sees these works as a fundamental part of her mission of proclaiming the innate dignity and rights of each human person made in the image and likeness of God, as well as an important service to the building of a just, peaceful and pluralistic society. When the gifts and talents of all citizens, men and women, young and old, wealthy and poor alike, are valued and developed, the way is opened to a future of prosperity and social harmony for the whole nation.

I very much appreciate your reference to India’s rich spiritual heritage and commitment to religious tolerance and respect. In view of this commitment, no citizen of India, especially the weak and the underprivileged, should ever have to experience discrimination for any reason, especially based on ethnic or religious background or social position. The recent re-establishment of the National Integration Council and the creation this year of the Ministry for Minority Affairs offer practical means of upholding constitutionally guaranteed equality of all religions and social groups. While protecting the right of each citizen to profess and practise his or her faith, they also facilitate efforts to build bridges between minority communities and Indian society as a whole, and thus foster national integration and the participation of all in the country’s development. The disturbing signs of religious intolerance which have troubled some regions of the nation, including the reprehensible attempt to legislate clearly discriminatory restrictions on the fundamental right of religious freedom, must be firmly rejected as not only unconstitutional, but also as contrary to the highest ideals of India’s founding fathers, who believed in a nation of peaceful coexistence and mutual tolerance between different religions and ethnic groups.

Here I cannot fail to express the Holy See’s appreciation of India’s desire to settle through negotiation and peaceful means the long-standing dispute with neighbouring Pakistan. Last year’s earthquake in Kashmir, with its tragic loss of life and widespread material destruction, showed the urgent need for joint efforts in responding to the emergency, providing relief to the victims and undertaking the immense work of rebuilding. Increased dialogue and cooperation should also prove helpful in meeting a number of other challenges in the region, including the threat of violence linked to political and religious extremism. As experience has shown, this troubling phenomenon, which is often the fruit of situations of poverty, lack of education, and scant respect for the rights of others, is best combated by concerted efforts to resolve these underlying social problems at their roots. Where the innate dignity and freedom of each man and woman is acknowledged, respected and promoted at every level of society, the foundations are laid for a future of justice, freedom and peace.

Your Excellency, as you undertake the mission of representing the Republic of India to the Holy See, please accept my personal good wishes for the success of your important work. Be assured that you may always count on the offices of the Roman Curia to assist and support you in the fulfillment of your high responsibilities. Upon you and your family, and upon all the beloved Indian people, I cordially invoke the abundant blessings of Almighty God.

 S.E. il Signor Amitava Tripathi

Ambasciatore dell’India presso la Santa Sede

È nato il 20 dicembre 1947.

È sposato ed ha un figlio.

Laureato in Storia, ha iniziato la carriera diplomatica nel 1971, ricoprendo i seguenti incarichi: Addetto presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1973-1975); Secondo e, successivamente, Primo Segretario a Bruxelles (1975-1979); Console a Karachi (1979-1981); Primo Segretario e, poi, Consigliere a Parigi (1981-1984); Direttore presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1984-1987); Direttore della Delegazione presso il Segretariato del South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) a Kathmandu (1987-1991); Ministro dell’Alto Commissariato a Dacca (1991-1994); Segretario Aggiunto della Delegazione presso l’Università di Harvard (1994-1995); Segretario Aggiunto del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1995); Ministro di Ambasciata a Washington (1995-1999); Segretario Aggiunto del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1999-2002); Ambasciatore in Brasile (2002-2005).

Attualmente è anche Ambasciatore in Svizzera, ove risiede.

[00741-02.02] [Original text: English]


Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,

C’est avec plaisir que j’accueille Votre Excellence à l’occasion de la présentation des Lettres qui L’accréditent comme Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire du Cap-Vert près le Saint-Siège.

Je vous remercie des paroles déférentes que vous venez de m’adresser, ainsi que des salutations que vous m’avez transmises de la part de Son Excellence Monsieur Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires, Président de la République. Je vous saurais gré de bien vouloir lui faire part en retour de mes souhaits fervents de bonheur et de prospérité pour sa personne et pour l’ensemble du peuple capverdien.

Comme vous l’avez souligné dans votre discours, la présence de l’Église dans les îles du Cap-Vert remonte à plusieurs siècles, faisant de la foi chrétienne une composante essentielle de la culture et du patrimoine spirituel de la population. Aussi, est-il important que les relations entre l’Église et l’État se développent harmonieusement dans le respect de l’autonomie des deux parties, car toutes deux, bien que sur des registres différents, sont au service de la vocation personnelle et sociale des mêmes personnes, dans la recherche du bien commun. Vous le savez, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, l’Église catholique est désireuse de contribuer au développement intégral des peuples. En effet, la pauvreté dans laquelle tant d’hommes et de femmes vivent ne peut qu’interpeller la conscience humaine. Elle pose à tous la question dramatique de la justice. Le sous-développement n’est pas une fatalité. Il doit être affronté avec détermination et persévérance. Car, comme l’a souvent rappelé le Magistère de l’Église, le développement n’est pas seulement une aspiration, mais un droit: "La collaboration au développement de tout l’homme et de tout homme est en effet un devoir de tous envers tous" (Encyclique Sollicitudo rei socialis, n. 32).

Il est donc nécessaire qu’une authentique solidarité favorise des relations plus équitables entre les nations, ainsi que leur développement humain et spirituel. En effet, la solidarité doit s’exercer non seulement à l’intérieur de chaque société, mais aussi entre les peuples, car, pour créer un espace de paix et de stabilité qui permette la croissance économique et l’équilibre politique, une coopération confiante et courageuse est indispensable. Je souhaite donc vivement que la solidarité internationale, notamment en faveur de l’Afrique, connaisse un élan nouveau, afin que ce continent, si durement éprouvé, puisse s’engager résolument sur le chemin de son développement intégral, de la réconciliation et de la paix.

Par ailleurs, les multiples difficultés que connaît le continent africain contribuent à accentuer l’expansion du phénomène migratoire et les graves questions qui en découlent. Ainsi que vous l’avez souligné, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, un nombre important de Capverdiens a été poussé à émigrer pour chercher de meilleures conditions de vie. Certes, il est du devoir des pays qui reçoivent des personnes immigrées de pratiquer un accueil fraternel et de légiférer pour favoriser leur digne insertion dans la société, tout en respectant leur identité légitime. Mais, il est aussi nécessaire de prendre en considération les déséquilibres socio-économiques, les risques d’une mondialisation sans règles, ou encore les situations de violence ou de violation des droits de la personne qui sont des facteurs importants de migrations. La solidarité internationale devrait permettre à chacun, dans son propre pays, de vivre dans la dignité et de mettre en œuvre les dons qu’il a reçus du Créateur.

Par votre intermédiaire, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, je voudrais aussi adresser mon cordial alut aux Évêques de votre pays, ainsi qu’à l’ensemble de la communauté catholique. La création récente du diocèse de Mindelo est un signe de sa vitalité. Je souhaite donc aux catholiques de poursuivre courageusement leur engagement avec l’ensemble de leurs concitoyens, pour bâtir une société toujours plus juste et plus fraternelle.

Au moment où Votre Excellence commence sa mission auprès du Saint-Siège, je Lui offre mes vœux les meilleurs pour la noble tâche qui L’attend. Auprès de mes collaborateurs, Elle trouvera toujours l’accueil attentif et la compréhension cordiale dont Elle pourra avoir besoin.

Sur Votre Excellence, sur sa famille, sur ses collaborateurs, sur le peuple capverdien et sur ses dirigeants, j’invoque de grand cœur l’abondance des Bénédictions du Très-Haut.

 S.E. il Sig. Domingos Dias Pereira Mascarenhas

Ambasciatore di Capo Verde presso la Santa Sede

È nato il 28 aprile 1962 a Santa Catarina.

È sposato ed ha due figli.

È esperto in diritto internazionale (laurea nel 1984, Azerbaigian; specializzazione nel 1992, Paesi Bassi).

Ha ricoperto i seguenti incarichi: Capo Divisione presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1989-1994); Primo Segretario di Ambasciata in Portogallo (1995-1999); Direttore di Divisione presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1999-2001); Capo di Gabinetto del Primo Ministro (2001-2004).

Dal mese di aprile 2004 è Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Esteri di Capo Verde, ove risiede.

Parla il portoghese, il francese e l’inglese.

[00742-03.01] [Texte original: Français]


Mr Ambassador,

I am pleased to welcome you to the Vatican and to accept the Letters accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to the Holy See. I thank you for your words and for the greetings which you bring from your President, Mr Vladimir Voronin. Please convey to him my sincere good wishes and assure him of my continuing prayers for the well-being of your nation.

The Holy See greatly values its diplomatic links with your country, established soon after Moldova gained its independence in 1991, and looks forward to building further on the cordial relations that have developed since that time. Mindful of the challenges involved in achieving a smooth transition to democracy and in establishing a place within the international community for the newly independent state, the Holy See continues to offer encouragement and assistance in any way possible. Although Catholics constitute only a small proportion of the population, they are proud of the rich cultural heritage of their homeland and are eager to play their part in national life, contributing particularly in the area of social assistance. It should be stressed that such activity flows from the very nature and mission of the Church, which include a commitment to promote the dignity of the human person and to come to the aid of those who suffer hardship of any kind. The Church is committed to full respect for liberty of conscience, and as such she encourages governments to take steps to guarantee this precious freedom for all their citizens. The reassurance that you offer in connection with your own Government’s position in this regard is most gratifying. Through you, Mr Ambassador, I would like to greet all the inhabitants of Moldova, and in particular the Catholic community, under the leadership of the Bishop of Chişinău, the Most Reverend Anton Coşa.

In view of her concern for peace and justice, the Church naturally takes to heart the debate over the status of Transdnistria. While fully appreciating the complexity of the question, I urge your Government to persevere in the search for a peaceful solution, and to work in harmony with the organs of the European Union, the Council of Europe and other international organizations in order to resolve the dispute. I pray that your country may continue to make progress towards the noble goal of peace, which corresponds to the deepest yearnings and hopes of people everywhere.

The interest shown by your Government in advancing dialogue with all the States of Europe is welcomed by the Holy See as a sign of hope for the Continent. For too long, Moldova suffered from the imposition of a totalitarian utopia of "justice without freedom". The West, by contrast, continues to be exposed to the danger of an alternative utopia of "freedom without truth", issuing from a false understanding of "tolerance". If the common good of Europe’s citizens is truly to be served, it is essential to avoid both of these harmful partial visions and to rediscover the authentic freedom that proceeds from our shared heritage of faith in Jesus Christ, alive in his Church, the source of hope for Europe (cf. Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Europa, 98). The voice and the experience of your people need to be heard in European debate, so that lessons may be learned from recent experience. In this way a brighter future may be built that is based on a commitment to truth, and this, as I maintained in my Address to the Diplomatic Corps at the start of this year (9 January 2006), is the soul of justice, it is the means whereby the right to freedom is established and strengthened and it opens the way to forgiveness and reconciliation.

Your Excellency, I am confident that the diplomatic mission which you begin today will consolidate the good relations that exist between the Republic of Moldova and the Holy See. In offering you my best wishes for the years ahead, I would like to assure you that the various departments of the Roman Curia are most glad to provide help and support in the fulfilment of your duties. Upon you, your family and all the people of Moldova I cordially invoke God’s abundant blessings.

 S.E. il Sig. Valeriu Bobuţac,

Ambasciatore di Moldova presso la Santa Sede

È nato il 13 marzo 1945.

È sposato ed ha due figli.

È in possesso di un dottorato in Storia.

Ha ricoperto i seguenti incarichi: Vice Presidente del "Moldpotrebsoiuz" (1978-1981); Vice Presidente della Municipalità di Chişinău (1981-1985); Ministro del Commercio (1985-1992); Presidente della Società "Renaştere" (1992-1994); Ambasciatore presso la Federazione Russa (1997-2002); Ambasciatore a disposizione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (2002-2004).

Dal 2004 è Ambasciatore in Ungheria, ove risiede.

[00743-02.01] [Original text: English]


Your Excellency,

It is a pleasure for me to extend a cordial welcome to you today as I accept the Letters of Credence by which you are appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Australia to the Holy See. I thank you for the greetings which you bear from the Governor-General, Government, and people of Australia. Please convey to them my heartfelt appreciation and assure them of my prayers for the well-being of the nation.

The steadfast resolve of the Holy See to promote the cause of peace stands at the heart of her diplomatic activity. With firm conviction and in a spirit of service she reminds all people that if peace is to be authentic and lasting it must be built on the bedrock of the truth about God and about man. Consequently, the irrepressible yearning for peace present in the heart of every person – regardless of particular cultural identity – can be satisfied only if it is understood as the fruit of an order planned and willed by the love of God, planted in human society by its divine Founder, and respected by humanity in its thirst for ever more perfect justice (cf. Message for the 2006 World Day of Peace, 3).

Your Excellency, you have rightly indicated that practical commitment to ensuring the rule of justice and promoting peace is a widely recognized trait of your people. Tangible expression of this is found in their leadership of peace-keeping operations, generous assistance with aid projects, and readiness to contribute to the requirements of international stability and security necessary for social and economic advancement across the globe. Australia’s missions in Solomon Islands, East Timor and Afghanistan are highly respected by the international community and bear noble witness to the truth that all people are members of one and the same human family, receiving their essential and common dignity from God and capable of transcending every social and cultural limitation (cf. Centesimus Annus, 38).

The laudable resolve to work for peace on an international scale must be matched with an equal determination to attain justice at the local level. I know that your Government has assiduously addressed concerns regarding the reception of refugees, in order to ensure that humanitarian considerations are incorporated within immigration detention policy and duly monitored. In regard to the Aboriginal people of your land, there is still much to be achieved. Their social situation is cause for much pain. I encourage you and the Government to continue to address with compassion and determination the deep underlying causes of their plight. Commitment to truth opens the way to lasting reconciliation through the healing process of asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness - two indispensable elements for peace. In this way our memory is purified, our hearts are made serene, and our future is filled with a well-founded hope in the peace which springs from truth (cf. Address to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, 9 January 2006).

Your Excellency, as I welcome you to the Vatican my thoughts turn with joy to the visit I shall make, God willing, to Sydney for World Youth Day 2008. In this regard, I wish to thank the people of Australia, and particularly the Prime Minister and Government, for the enthusiasm with which they have embraced this visit and for the practical assistance already being given to its organization. More than an event, World Youth Day is a time of deep ecclesial renewal, especially among the young, the fruits of which will benefit the whole of your society. In countries such as yours, where the disquieting process of secularization is much advanced, many young people are themselves coming to realize that it is the transcendent order that steers all life along the path of authentic freedom and happiness. Against the tide of moral relativism which, by recognizing nothing as definitive, traps people within a futile and insatiable bid for novelty, the young generation is rediscovering the satisfying quest for goodness and truth. In so doing they look to both Church and civil leaders to dispel any eclipse of the sense of God and to allow the light of truth to shine forth, giving purpose to all life and making joy and contentment possible for everyone.

It is this same respect for transcendent order that has led Australians to recognize the fundamental importance of marriage and stable domestic life at the heart of society, and to expect that political and social forces - including the media and entertainment industries - recognize, support and protect the irreplaceable value of families. They appreciate that pseudo-forms of ‘marriage’ distort the Creator’s design and undermine the truth of our human nature, confusing a false sense of freedom with the true freedom of choosing the definitive gift of the permanent "yes" which spouses promise to each other. I therefore encourage the people of Australia to continue to take up the challenge of forging a pattern of life, both individually and as a community, in harmony with God’s loving plan for all humanity.

For her part the Catholic Church in Australia continues to support marriage and family life, and to uphold the Christian foundations of civic life. She is much involved in the spiritual and intellectual formation of the young, especially through her schools. Additionally her charitable apostolate extends to immigrant communities and those living on the margins of society and, through her mission of service, she will respond generously to new social challenges as they arise.

Your Excellency, I am sure that your appointment will further strengthen the bonds of friendship which already exist between Australia and the Holy See. As you take up your new responsibilities you will find that the various offices of the Roman Curia are most ready to assist you in the fulfilment of your duties. Upon you, your family and your fellow citizens, I cordially invoke the abundant blessings of Almighty God.

 S.E. la Signora Anne Maree Plunkett

Ambasciatore di Australia presso la Santa Sede

È nata nel 1952 ad Armidale, New South Wales.

È sposata ed ha tre figli.

Laureata in Lettere all’Università di New England, ha iniziato la carriera diplomatica nel 1974, ricoprendo i seguenti incarichi: Vice-Console a Honolulu (1974-1976); Terzo Segretario di Ambasciata a Dar-es-Salaam (1976-1978); Secondo Segretario a New Delhi (1978-1980); Funzionario presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1984-1987); Primo Segretario di Ambasciata a Suva (1987-1989); Capo-Ufficio (1993-1996) e successivamente Direttore di Sezione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1996-2006).

Attualmente è anche Ambasciatore in Irlanda, ove risiede.

[00744-02.01] [Original text: English]

