UDIENZA AL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA DELLO YEMEN Alle 11 di questa mattina il Papa ha ricevuto in Udienza S.E. il Signor Ali Abdullah Saleh, Presidente della Repubblica dello Yemen, e gli ha rivolto le parole di saluto che riportiamo di seguito: ● SALUTO DEL SANTO PADRE Mr. President, I am pleased to greet you and your entourage as you come to the Vatican, and I thank you for the kind sentiments you have expressed on behalf of the people of Yemen. During this period of unrest in your region, I urge you and all men and women of good will to combat terrorism, striving for peace and justice. This is only possible when people recognize the ongoing need for tolerance and mutual understanding. In this regard, I encourage you in your efforts to foster the spirit of frank and open dialogue between the different religions and peoples of the Arabian Peninsula. It is my fervent prayer that Almighty God may impart to you and all the Yemeni people, the gifts of peace, harmony and reconciliation. [01872-02.02] [Original text: English]