UDIENZA AL PRESIDENTE DELL’IRLANDA, SIG.RA MARY MCALEESE Alle 11 di questa mattina, il Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo II ha ricevuto in Udienza il Presidente dell’Irlanda, la Sig.ra Mary McAleese e le ha rivolto le parole di saluto che pubblichiamo di seguito: ● SALUTO DEL SANTO PADRE Madam President, I am pleased to welcome you to the Vatican on the occasion of your visit to Rome for the anniversary celebrations of the Pontifical Irish College. I take this occasion to express to you my deep affection for the Irish people and I ask you kindly to bring back to them the Pope’s warm greeting and the assurance of his prayers. Ireland, with its rich Christian history and its outstanding patrimony of spiritual and cultural values, has an essential role to play in the building of the new Europe and the affirmation of its deepest identity. It is my hope that the Gospel message will provide continued inspiration and encouragement to all who are committed to the advancement of Ireland in the path of justice and solidarity, and above all in the great work of national reconciliation. With my Apostolic Blessing. [01723-02.01] [Original text: English] [B0557-XX.02]