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Sala Stampa



Al termine dell’Udienza Generale di questa mattina, il Santo Padre ha salutato la Delegazione composta dai seguenti firmatari della First Alexandria Declaration of the Religious Leaders of the Holy Land: S.B. Michel Sabbah, Patriarca Latino di Gerusalemme; Sheikh Tal el Sider, Ministro di Stato dell’Autorità Palestinese; Dr. Emile Jarjoui, Presidente dell’Alta Commissione Ministeriale (Palestina) per gli Affari Ecclesiastici; Rabbino Michael Melchior, Vice Ministro degli Esteri d’Israele; S.E. il Sig. Yosef Neville Lamdan, Ambasciatore d’Israele presso la Santa Sede, e il Canonico Andrew White, Inviato Speciale dell’Arcivescovo di Canterbury per il Medio Oriente.

Pubblichiamo di seguito le parole che il Santo Padre ha loro rivolto:


I cordially welcome the group representing the Religious Leaders of the three monotheistic religions present in the Holy Land, who gathered recently in Alexandria and issued the First Alexandria Declaration of the Religious Leaders of the Holy Land. We are all saddened by the daily instances of violence and death in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Our mission as men and women of religion impels us to pray for peace, to proclaim peace and to do everything in our power to help bring an end to the bloodshed.

I reiterate the firm determination of the Catholic Church to work for a just peace. May Almighty God bless your efforts to foster reconciliation and trust between all the beloved people of the Holy Land.

[00389-02.01] [Original text: English]